7 Creative Ways to Communicate with a Pen Friend ...


7 Creative Ways to Communicate with a Pen Friend ...
7 Creative Ways to Communicate with a Pen Friend ...

For many of us, it may be difficult to imagine pen friends in this day and age when the mobile phone and internet have changed the way we communicate. But, the romance of hand-written letters is hard to replace and the tradition of having pen friends continues to exist. If you are one of these romantics, here are some creative ways to communicate with a pen friend.

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Use Unusual Surfaces

This is one of the most creative ways to communicate with a pen friend. Instead of using paper to write your letter on, try something unusual. For instance, take a piece of fabric and write with a marker. Any flat surface can be used, so let your creativity flow.


Try Small Changes

Instead of using the same old pen and paper format, try something different. Cut out pieces from a newspaper or a magazine to compose your letter. Or get black paper and write with white ink on it. It will add a world of variety to your letters.


Make Your Own Envelopes

This is another fantastic idea to add some zing to your letters. Make a different envelope every time you write a letter. Use newspapers, brown paper bags, fabric, etc. to create different types of envelopes for your letters.


Use Strange Items as Envelopes

If you don’t want to make your own envelopes, you can get creative and use different objects as envelopes. For instance, you can use old CD covers, or you can wash a soda can and roll up your letter inside it.


Use Outlandish Stationery

This is one of the most creative ways to communicate with a pen friend. Use different types of items for stationery. For instance, use an old wall poster to write on. Or use origami to write on. Make use of cocktail napkins to write on and include a cocktail umbrella with your letter.


Try Artsy Prose

Don’t write in a regular fashion- try some artsy prose. For instance, write your entire letter backwards, so it can only be read with a mirror. Or use picture wherever you can instead of using words. Dip your fingers or a feather in paint and write with it. Use glitter glue. There are many ways to be artsy when you are looking for creative ways to communicate with a pen friend.


Start a Story

This is a really fun idea. Attach a few sheets of blank papers together and start a story on the first one. Ask your friend to continue the story. You can keep swapping the pages and continue writing the story for as long as you want.

When it comes to a pen friend, you imagination really is the limit. These creative ways to communicate with a pen friend are just a starting point. Once you have started, you will find that you have your own fantastic ideas to make your communication creative as well as lots of fun.

Image image source: data.whicdn.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

OMG who has time to compose a letter made from letters or words cut out of a newspaper or magazine? How long would it take to find all the words you need/ I reckon you'd get as far as. Hello. I'm fine. Are you? Goodbye. Sending a letter rolled up in a used soda can? Who is going to cut the top off and file down the edges so that your penfriend doesn't rip their fingers open on sharp metal when they try and take out their letter? Plus the practicalities. A soda can doesn't fit most standard letterboxes unless you have a US mailbox style on a post. I'm all for letting the creative juices flow especially when it comes to dying arts like hand writing letters but impractical and actually quite silly suggestions (write with a finger dipped in paint!!) like these are more likely to turn people off than on.

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