7 Cold Treats to Enjoy ...


7 Cold Treats to Enjoy ...
7 Cold Treats to Enjoy ...

Will this summer heat ever give us a break! It has been so hot where I live we are still able to enjoy the swimming pool, which we usually close up after Labor Day. We also are still eating our refreshing, cold ice cream bars! Here are my family’s favorite treats for hot and humid weather.

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Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts

Weight Watchers Frozen Desserts Photo Credit: shantipoet

They are low in calories and especially delightful! (Especially the chocolate chip cookie dough one!) But there are many flavors you can choose from. Which one is your favorite?


Blue Bunny Fudge Bars

Blue Bunny Fudge Bars Photo Credit: Colors of My Dreams

A low cal way to get a delicious chocolate fix! Only 70 calories for one big bar! So go ahead and indulge. Look at this way. Everyone deserves a break from the heat of summer. What are you waiting for?


Jamba Smoothies

Jamba Smoothies Photo Credit: yoshiko314

These are really neat. They come already mixed - all you do is add apple juice and blend! For a different taste sensation, try your favorite juice blend, such as berry mix, or cherry.


Frozen Yogurt

Frozen Yogurt Photo Credit: monika dabrowski

Yogurt is another low calorie choice for those watching the waistline. Not only low cal, but really tasty! Flavor choices are as broad as the ice cream flavors and many public ice cream stands now serve frozen yogurt as well as ice cream.


Snickers Ice Cream Bars

Snickers Ice Cream Bars Photo Credit: yusheng

Snickers - need I say more? The first time I tasted one of these treats it was wintertime. But I have been eating them ever since. If you do not like Snickers, there are other candy bar flavors, such as Reece’s. Yummy!


Orange Julius

Orange Julius If you need a recipe for Orange Julius, try the one at tasteofhome.com. This is a treat I remember well from my childhood. It is so very easy to make and so yummy! You kids will love them while the taste takes you back to your childhood days.


Dora the Explorer Slow-melt Popsicles

Dora the Explorer Slow-melt Popsicles Photo Credit: BrittneyBush

My son loved these because they are smaller and come in neat shapes. I loved them because they are not as messy as a regular popsicles! Which flavor does your child like best?

I will be happy when cooler weather settles in and I can pull out my snugly sweaters and house shoes. But until that day finally arrives, I’ll keep myself, and my kids, cool with these fabulous cold treats. What about you? What treats keep you cool in the shade?

Top Photo Credit: lighto

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I love mixing any fruits I have at home with milk, ice, and a spoon of honey. It's one of my favorite cool treats.


Yummy is right!!! This sounds to me like a really healthy smoothie...

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