Benefits of Being Engaged ...

Jordin Oct 8, 2024

Benefits of Being Engaged ...
Benefits of Being Engaged ...

If you're engaged, congratulations! This is one of the most exciting times in your life, and one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make. Too many brides make the mistake of rushing through the engagement, anxious to be married. While I fully understand that desire, take time to enjoy your engagement! You will never be able to return to this phase in your life, while you have forever to be married. Here are some of the best benefits to being engaged!

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1. The Knowledge That You've Found Your Soul Mate

The Knowledge That You've Found Your Soul Mate Photo Credit: Ashley McArthur

I don't know how long it took for you to meet Mr. Right. Maybe you didn't meet him till later in life, maybe you've been together since high school. Whatever your story, enjoy these precious months or years that you are engaged knowing that you finally found your true love, there's no more looking and waiting and wondering! He's here, and he wants you. Isn't that sweet?

2. Planning Your Dream Day

Planning Your Dream Day Photo Credit: ~fly~ 飞 (internet too slow)

Ahh. A girl's wedding day. You've probably imagined and dreamt about how it would be since 9th grade when your cousin got married in the spring! There's nothing more beautiful than a bride planning her special day to the man she loves. This is the only time you will get to experience planning a wedding - after all, marriage is forever! So enjoy it and revel in it while you can!

3. Preparing for Life Together

Preparing for Life Together Photo Credit: gwilmore

The months that you are engaged are the time for you to prepare yourself to be a wife and mother. After you are married, it's too late, no more time to prepare, this is it! So take time to enjoy gleaning bits of wisdom and advice from older married women about what it means to be a wife and read as many books as you can get your hands on! Discuss your beliefs and feelings on different matters with your

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

That's good advice to enjoy the engagement and not be too impatient. If you rush your wedding preparations you can cause unnecessary stress around. We supply bridesmaid dresses and the customers who plan well ahead have a better time than those who are in a last minute panic.

Lovely post! I love the couple in the top photo!! :) :)

plus is your now fiance is in the military its a closer step to actually being able to see them everyday instead of just on the weekends. I'm hoping to get a rock pretty soon from my Marine :) we've been talking about it

More reasons to shopping (as if I needed any.).

i loved your post! nice! ... the stars part's sweet hahaha

Love this. Very timely. I guess #7 is the most important of all. Being in love is the first step then everything just follows :)

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