18 Tips for a Successful High Calorie Diet ...


18 Tips for a Successful High Calorie Diet ...
18 Tips for a Successful High Calorie Diet ...

Starting a high calorie diet is tough, especially when the World seems obsessed with skinniness and low calories! Here are my top eighteen tips for starting and maintaining a calorific diet!

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Calorie Count …

For the week before you start, count the calories you eat each day. Weigh yourself on the last day, and record this information. Work out the average number of calories consumed. Here's a calorie counting tool.


Add 500…

Add 500 calories to the average, and try to consume that on your first day of the diet.


Weigh Yourself …

At the end of the week, weigh yourself. Look for a 1 – 2 pound difference. Record your weight somewhere, to spur yourself on. Here's how to weigh yourself correctly.


Avoid Trans Fat …

Even though you want to gain weight, trans fat is still bad news. Try to avoid it, if you can.


Eat Protein …

Supply your body with more protein, or you won’t see very much weight gain. Check out our protein heavy foods, and see how you can incorporate them into your diet.


Drink Water …

The best thing to drink is water, in a high quantity. Low fat milk is also good.


Sleep …

Get at least 8 hours sleep a night. Sleep allows your body to recover and prepare itself.


Carefully Plan Your Meals ...

Make sure you are still getting enough of the other nutrients, or you could make yourself ill.


Focus on ...

Chicken, fruit, milk, vegetables, cheese, steak and nuts.


Keep Working out ...

Keep your workouts short and intense.


Walk More ...

Deliver messages by hand, take the stairs, do anything that gets your muscles moving. It’s important not to neglect your body.


Take a Multivitamin ...


Keep Foods within Reach

Stock up on cereal bars and snacks, and eat when you start to get hungry.


Take a Picture of Yourself

Put it somewhere, and refer to it when you are feeling low.


Monitor Your Weight Gain ...

Every time you stop losing weight for over two weeks, increase your calorie intake by 250 calories.


Replace Sodas ...

Replace your sodas with fruit juices, and boost your vitamin levels.


Have Large Meals ...

Eat four big meals, instead of little ones, as this will slow down your metabolism.


If You Can’t Gain Weight ...

Go and see a doctor. Sometimes, hormonal imbalances, depression and other conditions can prevent weight gain, and doctors can help cure these.

If you follow these rules, you should start gaining weight very soon, and it should be a healthy and consistent weight gain. If you’ve got any tips on gaining weight, please share them with me!

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