10 Best Epic Fail Photos ...


10 Best Epic Fail Photos ...
10 Best Epic Fail Photos ...

I’m going to allow myself to be a little evil with this post. After all, it’s no secret I love checking out Epic Fail, the site dedicated to all those photos and videos of people, animals, ideas, designs that… well… failed… epically! These are my top 10 pics, hope you’ll find them as funny as I do:

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Lady Gaga Fail

Lady Gaga Fail Ever Googled Gaga? Google suggestions often come handy, you know? Often, not always, of course. Well, looks like somebody did Google her, after all, and here’s what Google though people might want to know about the popular songstress. Interesting…


Sign Fail

Sign Fail Most buffets would keep quiet and let you discover how nasty the food really is but this one…well, this one is apparently ran by a group of very honest people. LOL! The image quality isn’t very good but I could bet the sign originally said “Dynasty”. Nevertheless, it’s really is a funny one!


Computer Lab Fail

Computer Lab Fail Kids today! Nothing can keep them away from their favorite games! Not even a typhoon! Do you know what’s the worst part? I could totally see my bro sitting exactly like this, updating his Facebook status. Like, “OMG! My house is flooded! XD” and then his friends would comment like, “OMG! Mine too!! LOL!! XD XD”


Temperature Fail

Temperature Fail Global warming? Ice age? The day after tomorrow? Luckily, it’s just a minor technical glitch. It’s funny though…I mean, imagine if you were passing by and decided to check out the temperature. Now, wouldn’t you get all surprised and confused? Either that or I have a very weird sense of humor.


Facebook Fail Number One

Facebook Fail Number One Hahahahaha! Don’t you just love Facebook? I’ve had a chance to read some pretty stupid things on my news feed but this… this is just priceless! There you go girls, Microsoft is so last year! So don’t let anybody catch you using it! Use Vista or XP since they clearly aren’t Microsoft.


Facebook Fail Number Two

Facebook Fail Number Two Don’t you just hate when some Facebook friends spam your news feed with every detail of their lives? “Oh, I went shopping!” “Oh, I’m so sad!” “I’m getting ready to go out and I’m going to have such a good time.” “I’ve just came back, the party was great and I’m sooo drunk!” Who the hell cares? Well, thank God you don’t have friends like these.


Roommate Fail

Roommate Fail Believe it or not, some things do come for free and, by that, I don’t mean samples. You want a free LCD TV? Well, you’re lucky because this guy is giving one away. Read the ad before you crack the champagne though.


Pizza Shop Name Fail

Pizza Shop Name Fail Would you dare to eat here? You know, they say the experience is so good, you’ll definitely want to pass it on to others. LOL! Get it? Anyways, enough with that, let me ask you something. Isn’t herpes one of those universal terms? You know, the ones that sound pretty much the same on most languages?


Facebook Fail Number Three

Facebook Fail Number Three Too many FB fails, I know. But, would you really want to miss out on this one? I mean, come on, this is just priceless. You know, I wish my friends wrote stuff like this. Moreover, I’m trading three of my “spammers” for a just one bright friend like this. Any offers?


Epic Toenails Fail

Epic Toenails Fail Don’t you just love UV gels and acrylic? Well, she sure does. And I’m 100% sure she’s not alone because my Statistics tutor isn’t too far behind. Cute, huh? Nearly two months of tutoring and I never got the courage to ask her how in the hell she wears boots!

What do you think about these photos, girls? Hope some of them made you laugh because they definitely cracked me up.

Top image source: 24warez.pp.ua

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The toe nails one ... just feaked me out. How does one walk with those things? And sleep without ripping up your sheets? And I dont event wanna think anything else going on in bed?!?!? But other than the one creepy fail ... super funny FAILs

Bwahahahah those Fb fails are hilarious!! That Microsoft one had me laughing for a good two minutes. Also, herpes pizza? LMAO!

Herpes Pizza? Seriously?


lovin these epic fails

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