Top 10 Books on Self-Improvement ...


Top 10 Books on Self-Improvement ...
Top 10 Books on Self-Improvement ...

When friends talked about books on self-improvement, I rolled my eyes - seemed like whimsical nonsense to me. I mean if we weren’t already trying to do our best in this competitive, fast-moving, modern world we wouldn’t have got this far – right? Wrong.

Improvement should not be seen as a reachable goal, it should be an on-going process. You would never snub a potential new friend because you have enough friends already, so why settle for less in other areas? Why shuffle along that comfortable, familiar plain when you could be gliding new heights of satisfaction and enlightenment?

After giving it more thought, I realized no matter if it is relationships, work, self-confidence or (most importantly) sex - there is always room for improvement. So why not push ourselves that bit harder?

After some research I realized that most of the books on the subject of self-improvement weren’t airy fairy, spiritual self-help drivel! I never imagined that I could find a book so fine tuned into improving my weaknesses and not just generic advice, or tips how to walk into a room full of people you don’t know.

I have touched upon a few that I found particularly inspiring, but there are lots more out there. I hope there is something in the bunch for you but if not, conducting an internet search should help you find self-improvement books dedicated to you. Here are my 10 favourites:

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The Courage to Be Brilliant: How Five Acts of Improvement a Day Will Make You Shine ...

**by Marta Monahan and Jeff Anrdrus **
The Courage to Be Brilliant: How Five Acts of Improvement a Day Will Make You Shine ... This is excellent read will help you work out exactly what is holding you back from being your best. The author advises how to get back on the path to brilliance and even if you can not envisage a life of brilliance right now, once you read this book you will be making leaps and bounds in the right direction!
Price: $12.44 at


Monahan and Andrus's approach lays out a manageable blueprint for self-improvement. The recommended five acts of improvement a day are like stepping stones towards your personal greatness. Whether it's overcoming self-doubt, enhancing your creativity, or mastering interpersonal skills, this practical guide encourages you to take action. The key is consistency and applying these small changes diligently. It's the accumulation of these incremental achievements that can lead to a significant transformation. You'll find inspiration in the real-life examples and gain the motivation to unlock the brilliance within you.


How to Win Friends and Influence People ...

by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People ... This is the daddy of all self-improvement books! Even though it was first published decades ago, the sound advice for personal and professional life will never be outdated.
Price:(bold) $9.00 at

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Sex Deck: Playful Positions to Spice up Your Love Life ...

by Dr. Dawn Harper
Sex Deck: Playful Positions to Spice up Your Love Life ... Just in case things were starting to cool down in the bedroom, this guide shows you how to turn up the heat to new saucy, sizzling levels!
Price: $10.17 at


Memo: the Easiest Way to Improve Your Memory ...

by Oddbyorn By
Memo: the Easiest Way to Improve Your Memory ... If you are a tad forgetful like me, this book will remind you to remember! It contains great tips for clearing cloudy memories.
Price: $9.99 at


How Would Love Respond? : Imagine if You Were Given a Gift so Powerful That You Knew You Had to Share It with the World ...

by Kurek Ashley
How Would Love Respond? : Imagine if You Were Given a Gift so Powerful That You Knew You Had to Share It with the World ... This is a powerful story that will change the way you view life and love.
Price: $18.96 at

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On Writing Well: the Classic Guide to Writing Non-fiction ...

by William Zinsser
On Writing Well: the Classic Guide to Writing Non-fiction ... Here’s a guide for all you writers that will teach you how to write more concisely, and also clears up some myths along the way. But can ‘but’ really begin a sentence? The author teaches write from wrong in this excellent guide that will improve your skills.
Price: $10.19 at


Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time ...

by Brian Tracy
Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time ... We can all relate to this one! How often do you go to bed dwelling on all the things added onto tomorrow’s to-do list because you didn’t manage to complete them today? If it sounds familiar – get reading! Very soon you could be going to bed smiling about your productive day!
Price: $8.95 at


The Sales Bible: the Ultimate Sales Resource ...

by Jeffrey Gitomer
The Sales Bible: the Ultimate Sales Resource ... If you work in the sales industry you are likely to have experienced the frustrating times when you just can’t get your pitch together. Well, here’s a book you should invest in and refer to when sales start sinking. It ain’t called a bible for nothing!
Price: $19.77 at


Dig Your Well before You’re Thirsty: the Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need ...

by Harvey Mackay
Dig Your Well before You’re Thirsty: the Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need ... This is a great book that can help you improve your career prospects. There’s advice for job hunters and ideas for employees wanting to hold onto their jobs. The author points out the often overlooked truth of how building a good network means you have to be a useful resource to people too. Of course he’s got great tips for schmoozing too!
Price: $11.53 at


Who Moved My Cheese? : an Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life ...

by Spencer Johnson
Who Moved My Cheese? : an Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life ... Being creatures of habit, change is something most of us struggle with. This book provides insight into how we can use the change to our advantage.
Price: $4.75 at

Have you read any of these best sellers? Which one is your favorite? Please share ...

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Women who run with the wolves by Clarissa Estes is one of my favourites with its mix of archetype and stories/myths, her interpretation and advice to go with the flow and accept the cycle of life

Great list of books! I've only read two of them, but, considering they were great I'm going to look into picking up some of the others you've mentioned. Thanks for creating the list!

Have you read any great books on beauty?

where is the 7 habits of highly eff people???

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