8 Reasons to Support Gay Marriage ...


8 Reasons to Support Gay Marriage ...
8 Reasons to Support Gay Marriage ...

I’m delighted to see the recent progress made in several countries regarding gay marriage. Some say that it is not ‘marriage’, that only a man and a woman can be married. Well, I make no distinction between marriage and civil partnerships, to me the name is not important. What matters is the progress towards equal rights and acceptance. Here are some of the reasons why I support gay marriage.

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I firmly believe that we are all equal, and that everyone should be treated the same. Gay marriage is an acknowledgement of equality. Two people should be able to formalise their relationship, regardless of whether they are both men, both women, or one of each.



Love is something to be celebrated; it enriches and enhances our lives. If two people wish to stand up in front of witnesses and have that love recognised by the law, then why should they not do so? There is too much cruelty in the world, so love should be admired and encouraged.

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At a time when divorce rates are high, it is something to be admired when any couple can maintain an enduring relationship. Many gay couples have been together for years, so why should they not have that relationship officially recognised if they so wish?



A slogan I often use is ‘Peace, Love and Tolerance’. These are three qualities I hold very dear. Supporting gay marriage is to me a sign of true acceptance of people in all their varieties


Legal Rights

It can’t be right that a person in a long-standing gay relationship has no inheritance rights and no say if their partner becomes ill or dies. I have read several cases where the surviving partner has been shut out by the deceased’s family who have never accepted their sexuality.

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I’m not actively in favour of marriage per se – I think it’s fine if you want to do it – but for those who do wish to take that route, they often do so because they see it as adding stability to a relationship. If gay couples feel the same way, then I think that they should have the same option.



Pagans like me believe in the tenet ‘Do what you wish, as long as it harms no-one’. Well, what harm does allowing a gay couple to get married really do? It is really just giving them equal rights and status and does not affect anyone else. It certainly won’t bring society down.


We Are Who We Are

Sexuality is not something you choose, nor is it something that anyone should be made to feel ashamed of. Gay couples have the right to get married because they are who they are, and there is nothing wrong with that at all.

I appreciate that this topic may provoke strong reactions, but please be calm and polite in any responses. As I have said, I believe strongly in equality and tolerance, and every step that is taken to promote that is, in my view, a step towards making us a better society.

Top Photo Credit: Ryan Brenizer

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If we will take the issue on biblical or religious side, it would end up to questions about morality, dignity and faith of those same –sex couples. People will question how strong their foundation when it comes to following what is being normally practiced; that man is for a woman and a woman is for a man. However, if we will only widen our mind and have it logical about certain issues such as “Same Sex Relationship” in a new, and evolving generation like what we have, we can at least try to understand why such relationship exist.

If we look at this from a biblical perspective, then this wouldn't be about love. Homosexuality is a sin, no matter how much society tries to sugarcoat it. This cannot be about love, because homosexuality is a sin, and God is love. The two do not and will never go together. Why? God cannot sin, so therefore, we are trying to put a false identity of love onto a sin. I agree with Pope Francis's statement, we should love them as we love ourselves. The Bible establishes the principle of love the sinner (Which in this case the sinner is everyone in the LGBT community.), but hate the sin (which is homosexuality.). And Artemis, The Bible does not teach that at all, you have misinterpreted it completely. WE are BROTHERS and SISTERS in christ, and we should never touch any woman in that way. Women are just as important to God as men are. We are sons and daughters. Notice how many people who support homosexual practices take random shots at the Bible, and are always wrong in doing so. But I'm willing to bet that at LEAST 90% of christians will not and/or do not know the right way to handle this. The correct way is to simply Love them not as their sinful brother in Christ, (As all sins are equal, so if we sin once by cheating on a partner in a relationship, or tell a white lie, we are equally condemnable as the murderer, or the rapist.) but simply as our brother in Christ, and slowly but surely lead them to the cross, the only way of salvation. And one last thing before i submit this, is that being gay is not a choice. It says in the Bible, that we are all born into sin as soon as we come out of the womb. Some people are born to be more susceptible to being an alcoholic, or being a murderer. Just as some unfortunate people are born into those sins, so are some people born into homosexuality. But they can wash that sin, by applying themselves and working towards being closer to God. The Enemy, or Lucifer, likes to twist originally Godly things like love and sex, and mask them over as to being the norm and socially acceptable. He twists love and sex to Homosexuality, Lust and premarital sex (It is very sacred, society has just forgotten. It is not outdated or uncool, it is respectful towards your partner whether you believe it or not.). Bless all of you, I hope I have enlightened you and turned on your lightbulbs. Be pushin peace and love to everyone.

I agree gay marriage is wrong it's lik Allowing people to have sex either animals or allowing

fantastic post, i'm a huge gay rights supporter, and i have a gay uncle who's been married for almost thirty years now. they're the most romantic thing ever :)

PS, sorry Shasta, I called you Sasha.

Sheila: I'm sorry, you're right. We are all entitled to our own opinions. We should discuss them rationally and try to get our points across like in a debate rather than angrily as that will get us nowhere. Please hear my opinions and consider them. After that it's entirely up to you. In sorry for my childish outburst. although it's fitting since I'm 12...

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