7 Tips for Your Child's Visit to the Doctor ...


7 Tips for Your Child's Visit to the Doctor ...
7 Tips for Your Child's Visit to the Doctor ...

A doctor’s visit can be pretty traumatic for some children. The other day, I needed to take my sone to the doctor for an allergy shot. It had been a long time since his last shot and he was sincerely nervous about the visit. He braved up pretty good, but the tears were so close to rolling I felt true sympathy for him. How do you keep your child calm and relaxed? Below, I have written down my favorite tips for making the best of your next visit.

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Make a List of Things to Ask Your Pediatrician

Make a List of Things to Ask Your Pediatrician Photo Credit: Laura4Smith

Many times, just keeping a child calm when going back to the exam room is enough to make Mommy forget everything she wanted to ask. If you make a list before leaving home of things you want to ask, you can concentrate more on your child during the visit.


Pack Any Current Medications

Pack Any Current Medications Photo Credit: Victorrochajr

The doctor may ask for current medications that your child is taking and how much. It is much easier to pull the bottles from your purse than to try and remember the name and dosage of each one.

Frequently asked questions


Have Your Insurance Card and Co-pay Ready to Grab

Have Your Insurance Card and Co-pay Ready to Grab Photo Credit: Kristi Hamilton

The sooner you get checked in, the sooner you can sit down and calm that crying baby. Check in with ease by having everything the receptionist will need together and easily accessible.


Take Something That Your Child Feels Comfortable with

Take Something That Your Child Feels Comfortable with Photo Credit: maui bulldog

If your child has a security blanket or a special teddy bear, it may be a good idea to take it along. When your little one feels a sense of comfort, he will relax, and when he is relaxed, your doctor's visit will be much more managable.


It is a Good Idea to Bring Toys or Books from Home for Your Child to Play with

It is a Good Idea to Bring Toys or Books from Home for Your Child to Play with Photo Credit: marjanhols

If your child is well, playing with the office toys may make him sick, and it is only considerate of you as a fellow parent to keep him from playing with the toys and spreading germs if he is sick.

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Extra Clothes

Extra Clothes Photo Credit: abchick

Should your child have any chance of getting sick and vomiting, take an extra change of clothes for both your child and yourself. Remember to keep a towel with you at all times.


Keep Yourself Strong and Composed in Front of Your Child

Keep Yourself Strong and Composed in Front of Your Child Photo Credit: **Geoff*

No matter how bad the news may be, your child needs to know that the one that he is depending on is strong and able to handle the situation.

Top Photo Credit: La Nemesis du NOM

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