10 Sizzling July Cover Girls and Boy ...


10 Sizzling July Cover Girls and Boy ...
10 Sizzling July Cover Girls and Boy ...

Here are some goodies for you ladies who love to collect magazines. I read somewhere that flipping through a magazine is one of the pleasures still left in life. If you agree, here are some that will hit the stands very soon.

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Lady Gaga for Rolling Stone

Lady Gaga for Rolling Stone Well, this cover is really not that surprising anymore since "surprising" is her idea of normal. I wonder if she finds it annoying or upsetting to realize that most people are no longer shocked by her looks since they have come to expect shocking from her. Is that why she has turned to nasty public behavior?


Adriana Lima for V Spain

Adriana Lima for V Spain This is V's first foreign edition and what HOT cover to start the venture with. Interesting bit from the interview: Adriana said that she felt her sexiest right after she had her daughter.

Frequently asked questions


Hayley Williams for Spin

Hayley Williams for Spin I can count at least 5 boys I know who have the biggest crush on this girl. I can surely understand their fascination as she is cute and seems to be fun. How about you girls? What's your take on Hayley?


Nicole Scherzinger for Maxim

Nicole Scherzinger for Maxim What's she doing these days, I wonder... Aside from posing for magazines, I'm guessing she has other projects, too. If you have the scoop, please let us know.


Anna Paquin for Self

Anna Paquin for Self I love Anna! She seems like a sweet person and she has a super fit body. And isn't the photo great because it contrasts wonderfully with the dark atmosphere of True Blood? Speaking of which, how much are you loving the latest season of the show? I am starting to get really scared for Tara.

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Jewel for Shape

Jewel for Shape My first reaction was "Whoa, she's hot!" And close second was: I want her bikini. Jewel sure has come a long way, hasn't she? I am guessing her star will not be fading anytime soon since she is ultra-talented and very nice. She tells a story about how she was hurt when she was labeled the “the chubby Renee Zellweger" when she was just starting out. I say she looks better than Renee these days. What say you?


Cameron Diaz for InStyle

Cameron Diaz for InStyle Cam in her usual sunny cover girl smile. Here is what she has to say about motherhood: “I’m not opposed to it happening. Having children changes your life drastically, and I really love my life. Children aren’t the only things that bring you gratification and happiness, and it’s easier to give life than to give love. So I don’t know. That kind of change would have to be either very well thought out, or a total mistake—a real oops!”


Marion Cotillard for Vogue

Marion Cotillard for Vogue Marion is incredibly gorgeous and talented. A little fact about her: she plays bass guitar, keyboard, and tambourine in a band called Yodeci. She dresses up as a man and calls herself Simone when performing. How fun! That photo is fun, too.


Diane Kruger for Allure

Diane Kruger for Allure She looks a bit like Natalie Portman here, doesn't she? For this issue, Diane shares that people have this perception that she's a stiff German. ** **“People look at me and think, Oh she’s from Germany, she looks so composed…but I think I’m a good joke teller, and I like pretty crass jokes.”


Taylor Lautner for GQ

Taylor Lautner for GQ VERY cute. And here is something that might make you love him more: ** **“The thing I love is that my home life hasn’t changed. I still help out with the garbage. I still help out with the lawn.”

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Marion Cotillard looks gorgeous! And yes, Diane does look a little like Natalie Portman. Taylor = yumminess!

Lady Gaga's body looks SICK!! Love her!

I do not think Taylor is that hot, but I would lick him up and down. He's got an amazing body(;

taylor lauter = DROOOOLLLL. god he looks good enough to eat!

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