Warehouse Embraces Next Season's Trend for Blouses


Warehouse Embraces Next Season's Trend for Blouses
Warehouse Embraces Next Season's Trend for Blouses

This weekend, I've had a bit of an epiphany (yes, it really is possibly to have a bit of an epiphany) and I've completely fallen back in love with Warehouse. Quite often when on shopping trips I don't even go into the shop but rather just have a quick glance in the window as I walk past, but I suspect that's about to change.

As a more feminine, fitted look is on the cards for next season, I thought I'd take a look at their gorgeous range of blouses. On the left is their green covered button blousefor £38. Yes, that does seem a little pricey, but it's 100% silk and would look gorgeous with jeans, shorts (while the weather stays nice) or a black pencil skirt for work. In the middle is their black metallic spot blouse. Made from silk there's a also a white versionwhich is also priced at £40. Call me crazy but I'm really imagining the black one with a pair of skinny red jeans and flats. Finally, on the right is the oyster embroidered spot blouse. Already sold out in sizes 6 and 12, it would look fabulous dressed up or down, and has that slightly quirky yet chic feel that means that it'll look as though it cost much more than the £45 you paid for it.

What do you think? Are you a blouse fan, and do you like the more feminine detailing of Warehouse's latest offerings?

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