Want to Be Nerdy with Me? Day 92


Want to Be Nerdy with Me? Day 92
Want to Be Nerdy with Me? Day 92

**I'm a little under the weather, so this post is going to be a quick one folks.

A couple weeks ago, I found out about a book called 'Unhooked Generation: The Truth About Why We're Still Single' by Jillian Straus. Not one to go for books like 'He's Just Not That into You' or 'Why Men Love Bitches' (regardless of whether I should read them or not), something about this particular book piqued my interest.

Straus interviewed 100 single women and men in their twenties and thirties to find out why they're still unattached.

From inside the book jacket:
'We are a generation of men and women with mixed emotions about the very concept of commitment. The Internet and speed dating give us a sense that we have endless options. A consumer sex revolution leaves us feeling that settling down is more like 'settling.' Media messages convince us that single life is sexy and married life is boring. And as the age of first marriage goes up, our level of expectation climbs right along with it, and we start subjecting prospective mates to 'the checklist'....

Hmmm...don't some of these themes sound familiar?

So I'll be reading this over the next month to see what Straus has to say. Anyone want to join me?

I know you all have strong opinions on the subjects of dating, love and sex (and then some!) so I figured it would be cool to hear what you think about this book too -- instead of me reading it and spitting the details back at you. Perhaps you'll interpret it differently. Let's have a discussion!

We can call it the one-shot AV Book Club. Hardy har. Move over Oprah! Kidding. This is the one time I'll do something this corny, but I think this could be interesting.

I'll write the post about it in a month -- say March 30?

If you're interested in reading the book while I do email me at thecountdownofv@gmail.com and you can send me your thoughts (I'll draw you your very own stick figure, hehe) or you can just post what you think on 3/30 or send me a link to your review on your own blog.

It could be lame, it could be insightful. Either way, I'm curious.

Who's game?**

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