Travel Registries Asking for a Gift of Travel


Travel Registries  Asking for a Gift of Travel
Travel Registries  Asking for a Gift of Travel

Over the past several months, I’ve been reading a lot about Honeymoon Travel Registries, patterned after the long practiced custom of engaged couples registering for china and linens and other things that they will need to start a new home together. Current trends indicate that couples generally have lived independently prior to marriage, and they have the things required for a home. Their interest is in experiences, rather than stuff, and the honeymoon registry is an extension of that concept.

Here’s how it works:

Instead of registering for china, silver, or household items, the couple registers for vacation items. This can include things like airfare (broken down into affordable units), hotel nights, meals, tours, special events, etc. (Registries have founds ways to select vacation items that fit every price range.) Family and friends can then peruse the travel registry to select a gift that is within their personal budget and helps the couple realize their vacation dream. Instead of giving a place of setting of china, you can give the honeymooners a helicopter tour in their destination city.

The travel registry concept has grown beyond honeymoons, and you can now find registries for people celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, second honeymoons, school excursions, a year abroad, or graduation trips.

I have no first hand experience with any of these registries, so I am reluctant to mention or link to any specific companies. A quick Google search turns up lots of these registries, which is consistent with what I’m hearing in industry news. If any readers have direct experience with one of the companies, I’d love to hear from you.

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