Top 7 Good Careers in My Book ...


Top 7 Good Careers in My Book ...
Top 7 Good Careers in My Book ...

Everyone knows that some jobs are more desired than others. I can think of at least 7 that I wouldn't mind having, so I thought I'd list them for you. See what you think and if you have any you'd like to add, feel free to do so in the comment section. Here are the top 7 good careers in my book.

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A Fashion Consultant

How fun would it be to get paid to tell other people what they should wear! I think it'd be a blast. The only downfall would be if you were a consultant for a celebrity who later gets bad comments in a fashion magazine on an outfit that you picked out. That might be rather embarrassing, but I think it would be highly unlikely to happen if you were really good at your job.


A Food Critic

I always thought it would be lots of fun to go around tasting food at famous or up-and-coming restaurants so I could write a review on what I was served. It would be difficult to write an article about a place that was truly horrible, but it would still be fun to get paid to eat food and write. These are two of my favorite things to do!


A Wedding Planner

There's nothing more exciting to a couple than beginning their life together with an exquisite wedding. Being able to help them plan and prepare for the ultimate event would be a blast. Think of all the gorgeous decorations, dresses, flowers, cakes, and other aspects of a wedding that you would be able to experience. I think it would be a lot of hard work, but a simply amazing occupation.


A Florist

I love flowers! If I could be a gardener for a living, I would. I think being a florist would be the closest thing. I'd have access to wonderful smelling flowers and gain personal fulfillment by making others happy with my arrangements and beautiful bouquets.


A Librarian

I don't know if there is such a thing as a professional librarian, but I think this would be a great job. I love to read and being surrounded by a seemingly endless supply of reading material sounds good to me! It would be quiet all day long and a rather relaxing environment overall.


A Professional Baker

My initial thought was the idea of having an occupation where all I did was create gorgeous wedding cakes, but then I realized it would be more fun to lump in all types of baking. I may not be a big fan of cooking dinner all the time, but I could bake all day long and not get bored with it. I love seeing people's faces when they encounter a tasty dessert that is to their liking. The look of sheer bliss is priceless.


A Teacher

I might be biased on this occupation, since I've actually had the opportunity to know exactly what it's like. Being with kids is a blast in itself, but there are also so many additional perks that come along with teaching. You have the ability to change the future, be a good role model for kids, share your knowledge, inspire kids to want to continue to learn more and more, and you get summers off! What more could you possibly ask for?

I'm sure you have your own ideas as to what the best careers would be for you. These are just my top 7. Out of the top 7 good careers in my book that I listed above, which one do you think you would like the best?

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I am a lecturer of food my job will be your favourite kind of job i guess.....related to food, baking and teaching.

I would love to be all of those things! You sound like my kind of girl :)

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