Top 10 Amusement Park Rides ...


Top 10 Amusement Park Rides ...
Top 10 Amusement Park Rides ...

I love amusement parks. The crowds aren't that great and the lines are awful, but the shows are wonderful, the food is delicious, and the rides are phenomenal. I'm going through another phase where I'm terrified of roller coasters, but that's sure to change as soon as I'm on one again. And after checking out the top 10 amusement park rides, that might happen sooner rather than later!

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Expedition GeForce

This ride is located at Holiday Park in Hassloch, Germany. It's considered to be one of the scariest rides in the world, and it's also one of the biggest roller coasters in Europe. Like the name suggests, it hits 4.5 Gs and goes a crazy 75 miles per hour. You even get to be weightless!


Splash Mountain

This iconic ride at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is still a favorite. Adults and children alike clamor to go to Disney World just so they can go on the rides, and this is the one about which they get the most excited. It starts out so calm and soothing and then … not so much.


Superman: Ride of Steel

This roller coaster, jewel of Six Flags New England in Agawam, Massachusetts, is crazy. It's crazy! It has a 221 foot drop! There are also several crests that take you to zero gravity, leaving you to feel like you, too, are faster than a speeding bullet – at least until the ride stops. Then reality hits, and your stomach is likely to drop.


The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman

People love superhero rides, and Spiderman is an even bigger favorite than Superman. This ride ranks number one on a lot of lists, thanks to the way it uses 3D to show the battle between Spidey and his enemies. This one's at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.


Millennium Force

This roller coaster is located at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, and it is crazy. It's a giga coaster, one of only three in the whole world. It goes 93 miles per hour and it features a crazy 300 foot drop before it's through. I get kind of nauseous just thinking about it.



This 4d roller coaster is at Six Flags Magic Mountain, all the way in California. Lots of coaster enthusiasts consider it the biggest thrill ride ever. It's a hanging coaster (oh chills), and after a close for renovations, it's better than ever. We're talking seats that extend all the way to the sides, audiovisual effects, and the ability for riders to literally swing head over heels.



This coaster is at Hersheypark, and if you want to try it, you better head to Pennsylvania why you can. This thing loops all the loops; you'll be upside down most of the time. It has a negative drop of 97 degrees, making it the steepest roller coaster in the United States.



Appropriately enough, this ride is found at the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. It proves that a ride doesn't have to be a roller coaster to be terrifying. The ride is actually situated over the Vegas strip and it's basically a centrifuge. If you throw up, it will probably hit someone on the street. Fun stuff! Since the ride goes 40 miles per hour and the riders enjoy a 70 degree angle, that's actually possible.



Let's head over to the UK now. This crazy coaster has its home in Thorpe Park, located in Surrey. This is crazy. I've only seen pictures and I'm still terrified. It has a record breaking 10 inversions. 10. you get flipped in cobra rolls, double corkscrews, and a terrifying maneuver called the quadruple heart-line roll.


Curse of DarKastle

Finally, we take a look at Busch Gardens in lovely Williamsburg, Virginia. There are tons of great rides there, and if it gets to be too much for you, then you can just sample beer all day! Evidently you might need to do that after experiencing DarKastle, which is all high concept. It's moody, brooding, and full of atmosphere, a ride that provides a story as well.

So there you have it! These are some of the hottest amusement park rides all over the world. But tell me, what's your favorite ride ever?

Top Photo Credit: Miguel de Leon

Feedback Junction

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X2 is the best ever. Furthermore, it plays classical music thoughout your entire ride! "Is everybody in? IS EVERYBODY IN?! The ceremony is about to begin" the heat from the flames touch your face. It's wild.

The Abyss....

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