So it seems to be time for the weekly Scientology press release, in which we read how "normal" Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are. Are you ready? Okay!
"When you come over, the first thing [Katie] does is say, ‘Are you hungry? Let me make you something,’ " their friend, Internet mogul Sky Dayton, tells PEOPLE.
A favorite pastime is family movie night: "Tom and Katie will get in the kitchen and make this amazing popcorn with chocolate," Dayton says. "Suri is there playing. Kate feeds her a bottle and then Tom feeds her."
Okay, shut up. Popcorn….with chocolate? I must investigate this further. On we go:
On a recent visit to the beach home of Yahoo’s Semel and his wife Jane, "Tom organized a soccer game. All the kids were there. His mom was playing!" says Semel. "When they’re surrounded by relatives and friends, it’s home."
But that normalcy hasn’t stopped the speculation that their marriage is on the rocks and that Holmes, 28, is controlled by Cruise, 44. Those who know the couple best are mystified by the rumors, PEOPLE reports in its new issue.
"We’re shocked when we read that stuff," says Semel. "Kate is bright and has opinions." Adds Abrams: "She’s hardly a shrinking violet."
You can almost hear the spin machine there; it’s on Dry but it might get stuck on Fluff, who knows.
Via Inside Tom Cruise and Katie ...
Tags: tom cruise, katie holmes
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