Toddlers and Tiaras Goes a Bit Too Far


Toddlers and Tiaras Goes a Bit Too Far
Toddlers and Tiaras Goes a Bit Too Far

Toddlers and Tiaras is one of those shows that you either can't help watching, avoid like the plague, or watch only so you can marvel at the things that happen when toddlers fight for towering tiaras. Beauty pageants, especially child beauty pageants, are controversial enough. Those who think they're fine and those who think they're wrong fight worse than cats and dogs. Sometimes, however, something happens in the pageant circuit – or on a show depicting the pageant circuit – that leaves you so flabbergasted, you don't even know how to start airing your opinion. Welcome to the August 31 episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, which has caused a clustermug that is still gathering steam.

This is little Maddy Jackson. She's four years old. Those are Maddy's fake breasts – and her fake booty. Do you need a second? Don't worry, I did too.

Although TLC is “The Learning Channel,” lots of shows point to the contrary. Toddlers and Tiaras might have started out trying to give outsiders an insider's view into the pageant world – until they started running into the little divas who have a well-developed sense of entitlement at age three, or the mothers who push their children into pageants, play favorites, and say awful things about competitors – you know, other 3-5 year olds. Now, a “good show” constitutes an episode where you see the most spoiled children, the stagiest of stage mothers, the biggest, Pixie-stick driven meltdowns … and fake body parts, of course.

TLC seemed to know that viewers were going to be livid about this episode, because they actually pulled out the Facebook page belonging to Toddlers and Tiaras, while Lindsay, Maddy's mom, sought support from her friends on her Facebook – and got it, evidently. Few seemed to think there was anything wrong with dressing her child up like Dolly Parton. Viewers were so upset, however, that many of them didn't even seem to mind that one of Maddy's competitors dressed up as Vivian Ward. You know, Julia Roberts. You know, from Pretty Woman. You know, the movie where she was a prostitute with a heart of gold!

A lot of people are likening these costumes to Halloween costumes, and wondering why it's okay to dress up saucily on Halloween, but not as acceptable to parade around with fake body parts on stage … when it's being televised. Well, I think it's probably because nobody goes trick-or-treating in front of an audience – and for the record, I think a lot of people would still be taken aback if they opened their doors to a four year old wearing C-cup falsies.

Having grown up in the South, the mecca of baby beauty pageants, I'm used to this sparkly, made up world. Still, I think there's a line – there's always a line, and TLC is getting better and better at discovering the people who cross it in high heels and spangles.

But I'd like to know what y'all think. Do you think Maddy's mom went a little too far, or does her defense position – that the outfit is fun, the judges always like it, and it helps Maddy win pageants – is acceptable?

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

While I don't think she'll grow up to be a "slut" or anything, I strongly disagree with this. There's more than just poor behavior that can result from this. As it is, the media has too strong a grasp on girls today and this is hindering any efforts to increase healthy body image in young girls. Sure, it's a joke. It's funny. For 5 minutes. Then what? The girl will still walk away from this with the mindset that looks are the most important thing (not just from this, mind you--from the entire experience of being in Toddlers&Tiaras). The judging itself is harmful and I don't think that this is the worst occurence yet, but what starts out as just a joke will more than likely soon become the norm. The entire show is disgusting. Entertaining, but disgusting. It's easy to say it's just a joke now, but what if it was your child strutting around in a mini-skirt? This "joke" went too far.

i actually love the show but i do disagree with what these moms do sometimes just to win! i think this woman is corrupting her daughter and if her daughter grows up to be a slut, that's her fault! The world just got more corrupt.

Um, really really creepy. I need another moment or two.

Honestly, I didn't find this too disturbing. I mean, they are obviously doing it as a joke, the mum even points this out that people find it hysterical. Lots of kids play dress up with clothes, and some even wear mummies bras to make it humorous. I get that it is a bit different that the kid is doing this on stage for an audience, but I really don't see it as one of the worst things done. Hey, at least she is doing fake boobs/butt as a joke, better then most of the costumes or parenting on the show.

I wonder what poor Maddy's father thinks... he can't be happy about this! While we're all wondering what her mother was thinking, I'm also wondering how she got this past Maddy's father. Poor little Maddy... she's almost sure to have body image issues as she matures.

This show is disgusting.

I don't get what the big deal is. It's just fun. The kid is not going to be traumatized and become whatever because of that. Sluts don't form out of beauty pageants, for god's sake.

she will grow up believeng she has to be as perfect as her mom is making her on those pageants.

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