Chanel addicts be warned, the latest line from the House of Coco is irresistable and may cause you to max out your credit cards.
I was about to jump on the treadmill at my gym yesterday when a woman approached me and introduced herself as a fellow Bag Snob in need of advice. As I jogged away the pizza, cookies, and ice cream I had the night before (life with a toddler, what can I say?) I listened to her tale and her cry for help. Apparently she is addicted to bags and shoes (sound familiar?) and has purchased three Chanel bags (blue, brown, and purple) in the last month and could not decide whether or not to return the last purchase(the purple version is similar to the bag pictured above). She also thought of selling the brown one to a friend but couldn't bear to part with it. Her friends have all advised her to take it back but my advice was to keep it if she really loves it and will use it often BUT don't buy another bag for the next 6 months. Or she should return the one that she will use the least.
While it's true that Chanel bags are classics and will be treasured for a lifetime, we really don't feel it is necessary to buy a dozen each season. One nice classic bag per season is sufficient for any collection (even ours!). She also told me she can not resist the urge to buy buy buy when she sees new bags in magazines or online (especially if she finds out it's hard to get or if it is a limited edition-it's the hunt that is thrilling for her. We're all just animals aren't we?). Which made me think, are we encouraging shop-a-holics to buy without abandon? Or are we making a positive contribution to the US economy? As I ponder these questions, I ask you, "To Chanel or not to Chanel"? Should she keep the bag?
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