Ready to Party Yet Emotionally Conflicted


Ready to Party Yet Emotionally Conflicted
Ready to Party Yet Emotionally Conflicted

Tonight Red Beard and I plan to eat sushi for dinner. Then we shall pork.

I’m pretty excited for my upcoming weekend in New York City, but I’m feeling rather conflicted. I love Socialite, Orch and LL to death and they are my oldest and dearest friends. But somehow, suddenly, they are not the focus of my visit. I’m being pulled in a few different directions, and I’m very afraid of letting them down … although I’ve sent them a few emails, and to be honest – they haven’t been all up in my grill about this opportunity to visit with me. I’ve had to kind of push them to see what time we can carve out together, and I still don’t have any plans firmed up with them.

In the meantime, Reporter and New York Attorney, whom I also love to death, have been much more persistent lately about calling me to talk and attempting to make plans with me for the time I will be in town. Reporter made dinner reservations and RSVPed to parties on my behalf for this weekend – which, don’t get me wrong, I totally appreciate. But it’s simply a different idea of how I thought the weekend would go. I expected it to be a low-key dish fest amongst my homegirls as opposed to a high-profile non-stop party weekend. So conflicted is how I feel, because I certainly won’t push Reporter and New York Attorney away and I am extremely grateful for their friendships, and I’m totally excited about all the fun we’re going to have. Plus, one can never have too many awesomely good girlfriends, so I am more than happy to have Reporter and New York Attorney. I'm completely excited to see them, catch up and spend time hanging out with them.

But I’m kind of wondering what the hell is up with my long-time chick loves. If I break it down, I guess I can formulate the reasons. I know Socialite is going through a crisis of sorts, so I understand that her tragedy obviously comes first. Orch is engaged, and while she isn’t spending a whole lot of time planning her wedding, she is very much involved with researching her passion, which will hopefully lead to a new career. She has an all-day field trip scheduled for Saturday, which means I won’t see her at all that day. LL is engaged and I think spending more time with her man and on her wedding plans, although she works non-stop and travels for her job, too. Plus, my girls know I’m not going anywhere on the friendship front. There’s no fear that we’re going to lose touch.

Also, since I am a spa-whore, I have booked appointments for much of the day Saturday. I’m gettin’ the hair did, since I haven’t had it done since I left NYC in July and I am afraid to go to anyone but my beloved and wacky Antonio who gives me Playboy bunny hair. The problem is the dude takes like three hours to do the job, which limits the amount of time I can spend with friends during the day on Saturday. I’m pretty much free for the lunchtime window, but as of yet, I don’t have any lunch plans. This is probably for the best, since I plan on doing some hardcore shopping at that time anyway.

So I am trying to round up the troops for a leisurely brunch on Sunday, since that will be the only time that I can finally just chill out and be with my people and not be “on” and dealing with some sort of scene. So all in all, I think it’ll be a good time. I’m just hoping that my party hopping isn’t leaving anyone with hurt feelings. I’m having a hard time telling if it’s a chicken-or-egg thing with my planning, and their feeling left out … or is it that they are being unresponsive, so I went nuts with the planning? Who knows. Party on, Wayne.

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