Publicists Publicizing Themselves ...

Publicists Publicizing Themselves ...
Publicists Publicizing Themselves ...

Bet you never heard of this award show, the ICG Publicists Awards. Well, you should care about them, even just a little bit, because this is the award show that recognizes all the people behind the publicity and promotion of your favorite TV shows and movies. Hey, someone in Anchorage knows about Grey's Anatomy and people in Peoria are going to see the Oscar-nominated "The Queen" because of the efforts of entertainment industry publicists.

Jimmy Kimmel hosted the 44th Annual Publicists Awards show last week at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Over 1,000 people attended. Will Ferrell presented the Motion Picture Showmanship Award to Sony Pictures Entertainment Chairman and CEO Michael Lynton and Co-Chairman Amy Pascal. Julia Louis-Dreyfus presented Nina Tassler, President of CBS Entertainment with the Television Showman of the Year award.

And to celebrate of course, 40 gift bags were made by Swagtime's Atlanta-based friends at Gifted Presence to thank the celebrity presenters. In these bags were...
Celsius Calorie Burning Soda - Imagine a soda that burns calories while you drink it! Unbelievable!

Creamy Caramel Sauce and Twisty Grahams™ from Tastefully Simple. - The caramel sauce is pretty straightforward, but something that looks like a pretzel but tastes like a graham cracker...this I must try.• Hiya Mints sugar-free liquid filled breath mints• Break-a-Leg Chocolate Pizza (Imagine a dreamy chocolate base covered with fluffy marshmallows, peanuts and crispies. Oh, and topped with drizzled gourmet white chocolate, a dash of shredded coconut and a maraschino cherry), Chocolate Spoons & Chocolate Covered Pretzels from Amore Chocolate Company

• "**Eternity" Necklaces** from Andrea Montgomery Designs

Egyptian Magic Healing Cream - All natural made from bees wax, propolis and other natural ingredients

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