I am sure you heard the famous saying "Diamonds are a woman's best friend", but I think for moms, Goldfish® Crackers are our best friends! Goldfish®crackers saved me yesterday from losing it with my kids when I was trying to make them eat a new tomato soup. I got the typical remarks, "why is the soup red?, I do not want to eat this soup, I want the soup to be like this and like that" that drive you crazy. But, of course, I counted until ten and said the Serenity Prayer to contain myself , be patient and loving when you really want to scream. I guess the experience as a mom told me "kids love to play."
So, in seconds, I decided we were going to do some fishing in the soup and immediately got their undivided attention. The game consisted in dropping Goldfish®crackers in the soup and fishing them out one by one with the spoon. Their first attempt was to fish all the Goldfish® crackers all together, but the rules of the game was one by one. So, I figured 20 crackers (dropped in groups so that they had room for fishing...) will more or less convert into 20 spoonfuls of soup to finish it. Let me tell you, IT WORKED! And, the best of it all, they wanted more soup to keep on fishing the Goldfish®crackers! It was a win-win situation! Wouldn't you call these little golden crackers "your best friends"? Well, after all, that is what friends are for being there when you most need them!!
Not only it was a fun game, but the kids enjoyed having a soup that was not in their repertoire, and a great exercise to balance the spoon correctly so that they would not spill the soup or let the Goldfish® slide off the spoon. The only problem with this game was that at dinner they wanted to put gummy bears in their meal! Oh..well..!
Try it, it is fun and effective!
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