Olsen Twins Battling over Big Bucks ...


Olsen Twins Battling over Big Bucks ...
Olsen Twins Battling over Big Bucks ...

good evening! below is the latest cover of **national enquirer** featuring drama between ashley and mary-kate olsen - the billionaire twin sisters (who often seem to be living on another planet especially when it comes to fashion) apparently they're being torn apart over money which wouldn't surprise me - it seems to be the number one thing people usually fight about in relationships but they are both worth a shit load of money so i'm sure there's plenty to go around - i doubt either one of the gals will be broke anytime soon...

moving on we've got the 'most shocking story you will ever read' featured at the top concerning barack obama's controversial pastor jeremiah wright who doesn't seem to be doing any good for mr. obama's campaign with his over the top tirades yet right now i'm kind of over the whole election thing - i hope the democratic party will soon be able to settle on one candidate so the chosen nominee can begin to really go after john mccain - i'll simply die if he becomes president - i can't deal with him at all but enough about politics for now - it's so not my topic and i generally feel uncomfortable writing about it!

it looks like carnie wilson is back to her big ways again after her gastric bypass didn't seem to do the trick and now there's talk of more surgery for ms. wilson who they have weighing in at 227lbs! i must admit that one of my guilty pleasure from the 90's was wilson phillips - i loved hold on & release me - hopefully ms. wilson will get back on track - she was looking great for awhile! however the stories i'm most interested in are - what TV star got caught doing blow? your guess is as good as mine - i bet a lot of that goes on behind the scenes - along with the other drug related story about an 'american idol' star involved in an overdose of some sort - not good times - i will have to pick up the magazine this week to read what the scoop is!

right now i'm about to settle into idol to see who gets the boot this week - i have a sinking feeling it could be **ramiele malubay** who i did really like in the beginning but over the past few weeks she has been on the lackluster side of things - sadly she never really brought it on - i'll be back with my 'goodbye idol hopeful' post in a bit! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

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