Navy Man


Navy Man
Navy Man

Date: February 2006
How we met: Navy Man was in one of my classes last term (Sept-Dec). My program is kind of clique-y, so I didn't see too much of him, except for at the campus bar a couple of times. He then joined my program to simultaneously earn two Masters' Degrees, entering the class a year behind mine.
Previous flirtations:
We flirted a bit at the campus bar, singing some karaoke together. My program puts the new people through an intense January, and I admit I hung out more than I normally would have to flirt with the Navy Man... For my birthday, he asked where he could take me for dinner. I told him he was sweet, but didn't have to do that, so he offered to cook me dinner. This, of course, freaks me out....too committment-like (hey! I'm not proud of the whole committment phobia, but at least I am aware of it). Oh, yeah. And he came over once to watch Lost with me on my TiVo, but nothing happened.

What we did:
A spontaneous first date! His class was done with their hell program in January, and were heading out to a bar in my neighborhood (yeah, my local pub =)). They were meeting at 8, and he called at 5 to see if I wanted to grab dinner first. Despite having work of my own to do, I agreed.

I had thought there would be more people than just the two of us, so when he showed up alone, I got a bit nervous. We walked to a restaurant in my neighborhood which used to serve as my first date location (I took so many dates there, I don't remember them all, so I am definitely missing some in this blog). Kind of a weird feeling.

We ordered a pizza to share, and a couple of glasses of wine. At this point, I figured it was just a friendly thing. Then it hit me: if this was a date, I would be bowled over by this guy: smart, handsome, and funny. At that point, things shifted in my mind a bit.

The check came, and Navy Man insisted on picking it up. Yay, a date! I told him I would get him back at the pub (I don't let the bartenders pick up the drinks for my friends, so I wasn't just saying that, either). We wandered to the bar, and met up with about 15 other students. We all had a great time, dancing and singing to the live music there. At the end of the night, the group all grabbed cabs, but Navy Man refused to let me walk home alone. I told him it wasn't necessary, but he said there was no way he was letting me walk by myself, even if I did do it all the time. Cute, if conniving. You guessed it!...just the way I like 'em.

I invited him up to my apartment, and we sat watching my TiVo for a bit. Somewhere in the middle of American Idol he leaned in and kissed me. Wow, what a kiss...I've kissed so many bad kissers, I had forgotten what a good one felt like.

He stayed the night, but all we did was kiss and snuggle. Sigh....

Nickname: He's in the Navy, and Damn! did he ever earn the "Man" in the title.
FDS: 9 out of 10
How long it lasted:'s been over a month and a half now!

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