9 More Things You Might Want to Have in Your Purse ...

By Denise8 Comments

9 More Things You Might Want to Have in Your Purse ...

There are already a couple of posts on this site talking about things that we should carry in our purses. They are very practical lists and I have to commend the authors for writing them. However, I thought that it wouldn’t hurt to come up with a list of 9 more things that you might want to have in your purse. The items mentioned in my list are some of the items that weren’t mentioned in the existing lists.

1 Water Bottle

If you want to develop the habit of drinking water, then it certainly would help to carry a reusable water bottle in your purse. Having your own reusable bottle helps your budget and saves the environment because you don’t have to keep buying mineral water. Water bottles come in different volumes so you can choose which size best suits your needs. Water bottles also have different styles so you can showcase your personality.

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2 Personal Alarm/Pepper Spray

If you want to have some form of self-defense on your person, then you should carry a personal alarm or pepper spray in your purse. You might want to get these items in a design that comes with a keychain. This allows for easy access in times of emergency.

3 Reusable Grocery Bag

Join in on the effort to save the environment by bringing your own reusable grocery bag. You can buy them for cheap online, in supermarkets, and various physical stores. There are many designs and materials to choose from so you don’t have to worry about remaining stylish.

4 Reading Material

I know that this adds to the total weight of your purse. But I think that you will be thankful to have a book or magazine with you during times when you have to wait. Plus, you never know… you might make a new friend with the help of your book or magazine.

5 First Aid Kit

You probably don’t have room or the desire to carry a complete first aid kit in your bag. However, you can always put together a basic kit that contains the following: tweezers, Band-Aids or bandages, and alcohol wipes. Remember that this kit is just for simple cuts.

6 Wet Wipes

Aside from tissues, you might also want to bring around a small pack of wet wipes. They are useful in cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. You can also bring the kind that is skin-friendly so you can freshen up on the go.

7 Spare Keys

I know…. This is a no-brainer, especially for those of you who are prone to losing keys. But it doesn’t hurt to be reminded to carry around a set of spare keys for your house, car, and other keys you have.

8 Medication

Aside from aspirin, you should also bring your other medications. This includes pain reliever for cramps, headaches, or migraines, allergy medication, birth control pills, inhaler, and even supplements you need to take at a certain time. This list will vary from person to person.

9 Medical Information Card

You don’t have to stuff your whole medical history folder into your bag. But you should definitely have a card that contains the essential medical information in case of an emergency. Your card should contain, at the very least, these information: full name, birth date, address, phone number, blood type, insurance provider, existing medical conditions, medications, allergies and other information, and emergency contacts.

Remember that you don’t really have to bring all these things in your purse. Everything is optional (except maybe the medical information card) because what you bring depends on your day’s activities. Just make sure that you have all the important and necessary things with you before leaving the house. And no matter what you choose to bring in your purse, keep things organized to make your life a little easier.

Top image source: data.whicdn.com

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