Meet Our Early-December "ask a Friend" Sweepstakes Winner ...

Lori Jan 24, 2007

Meet Our Early-December "ask a Friend" Sweepstakes Winner ...
Meet Our Early-December "ask a Friend" Sweepstakes Winner ...

Winner: Chelsea
From: New York
Friend: Younger sister
Winning Jean: 7 For All Mankind Bootcut

**Q.**What is your pet peeve about the way jeans fit?

**A.**Wow, there are so many things. Often it seems the crotch is either way too long or way too small so that it barely covers the backside. Jeans seems to be made either for people with very clear hips or no hips at all and I fall right in between.

**Q.**How did you find out about zafu?

**A.**I read about it in a NY Times article. I have always had an issue finding jeans that fit right and so I thought it was a great idea and totally worth a try.

**Q.**What was your zafu experience like?

**A.**It was incredibly easy. I went through all of the fitting options and got a list of over 90 jeans. Some of them I had heard of, but there were a great deal that I did not know anything about.

**Q.**What are your favorite denim brands and why?

**A.**Well, my new favorite denim brand might be Seven for All Mankind (I love my new jeans - on my recent trip to Australia they were the one pair that I brought with me). Otherwise I find that Diesel jeans tend to be very flattering and I used to love Abercrombie before they changed the styling on them. While I am not exactly pro-fashion, I do think that the more expensive jeans usually are cut in a much more flattering way.

**Q.**How many pairs of jeans do you own?

**A.**Oh, probably 6 or 7 of all varieties. Mostly they are of the cheaper, comfortable, but not exactly stylish variety.

Q. Where do you wear your jeans?

**A.**EVERYWHERE. I wear a polo shirt, jeans, and sneakers to class every single day (I'm a grad, JD/MBA, student). When I go out on the weekends I'll wear one of my "nicer" pairs and if I'm just chilling around the house then I'll wear one of my comfy pairs.

Q. Describe your style, like a good friend of yours would describe it.

**A.**I hope a good friend would say classic or sophisticated, although I think it's probably also true that they might say boring. I am not much interested in following trends. Instead, I like clothes that are flattering and classy, the kind of items that you can still wear next year without anyone raising eyebrows.

Q. What was your biggest fashion find?

**A.**I’m not really sure. I don't particularly love shopping which is why I do so much of it online. The great thing about zafu for me is that jeans have always been one of those things that I needed to buy in person because of sizing issues and zafu helps me size and style well enough that I can do my ordering online.

Related links
**Meet our Late-November "Ask a Friend" sweepstakes winner**
** Meet our Early-November "Ask a Friend" sweepstakes winner**

Try thezafu fit finder to get personal fit recommendations for your body type.
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/TITLE/Early-December "Ask a Friend" sweepstakes winner/TITLE/ /META_DESC/Meet zafu's latest sweepstakes winner/META_DESC/ /META_KEYWORDS/winner, sweepstakes, 7 for all mankind, 7 bootcut, NY times, 7's, December winner, /META_KEYWORDS/

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