Lepaparazzi News Update Demi Moore's Pregnancy Struggle


Lepaparazzi News Update Demi Moore's Pregnancy Struggle
Lepaparazzi News Update Demi Moore's Pregnancy Struggle

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's marriage is allegedly under pressure because of their failure to have a baby.

The 44-year-old actress already has three daughters with ex-husband Bruce Willis, but she and 29-year-old Ashton are keen to have a child of their own.

A source told America's Star magazine: "Demi seems very controlling. She likes to tell Ashton what to do, stand here, meet this person, do that. She wears the pants in that relationship.

"Ashton desperately wants a baby but is having to cope with the possibility that Demi may never bear his child."

Demi has been making a number of sacrifices and lifestyle changes to enhance her chances of conceiving - and is reportedly expecting Ashton to do the same.

The couple attended a party at a producer friend's Bel Air home in March and Demi was said to be furious when her younger spouse drank alcohol.

A witness said: "Ashton accepted a glass of champagne, after Demi refused the

"She shot Ashton a look that said 'I'm not drinking, so you shouldn't either.' Ashton gave her a defiant look that appeared to say he didn't care, and he took a sip.

"She doesn't want him to do anything unhealthy because of their difficulty in trying to have a baby together.

"The bottom line is Demi and Ashton love each other. But it's tough going right now!"
[Via Demi Moore's pregnancy struggle]

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