Late Summer Reading is Fashionable ...


Late Summer Reading is Fashionable ...
Late Summer Reading is Fashionable ...

Filed under: Style in the media, Shoes

For the small percentage of people who won't be enjoying the last days of summer grilling out on the patio, shopping the Labor Day sales, or soaking in those last bits of sunshine, boy, do I have something for you.
A reading list.

Sure you probably won't find these books on any back-to-school summer reading list, but these books are fashionable and fun reads. Isn't that what summer is all about. Put down your US Weekly and pick up a book.

For the shoe lover, pick up this piece of "shoe porn" called New Shoes. This book will blow your mind. It's the next best thing to designer shoe shopping spree. Another stand out from the list is Model. I read Model back in college and was shocked by how dirty the fashion industry could really be (now I know better). Speaking of college, 9 Heads is fantastic. It is actually a text book that teaches fashion illustration, so if you are into drawing this is a must have. The Devil Wears Prada was a hit on the big screen but to me it was a bigger hit in print. Read this book, it is much different than the movie.

Happy reading and happy Labor Day.
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