Probably the stupidest thing I’ve heard for a while:
Grey’s Anatomy’s Isaiah Washington will participate in "No Name-Calling Week," an initiative of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network.
"GLSEN… commends ABC and Washington for recognising the harm of Washington’s use of the word ‘’faggot'’ and reaching out to GLSEN to turn an unfortunate situation into an opportunity to open a dialogue with America’s youth," the organisation said in a statement.
Washington will meet with the organisation’s executive director Kevin Jennings today.
"We are encouraged by the apparent sincerity of Isaiah Washington’s apology and his recognition of the power of a word that, like so many others, has no place in our society," said Jennings. "We would like to thank Isaiah and ABC for reaching out to GLSEN in what hopefully will be an important step in the healing process for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people and all those who were offended by the remarks."
The "No Name-Calling Week" is a campaign supported by national organisations including Cisco Systems designed to promote "educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds."
Can’t we all just get over this? Who cares?
Via 'Grey's' actor to join in ...
Tags: isaiah washington, greys anatomy
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