Happy Hump Day ...


Happy Hump Day ...
Happy Hump Day ...

How was every one's Halloween? I adore Halloween. The husband hates it. Which was ok this year b/c I got invited to a party in Knoxville that I went to. This year I went as all-out as Holly Golightly (**Audrey Hepburn) from Breakfast at Tiffany's. I had it all: The tiara, (classy)beehive hairdo, jewels, black dress, gloves, etc. I must say that I really looked the part. I tried to google image "**Breakfast at Tiffany's Halloween" and the costumes that came up were so "costumey". If I am going to do a costume, I want to "be" that person, ya know? Anywho, it was a blast. Funny thing is that it was a bunch of my peeps that I met up with at me reunion. Isn't it great to keep in touch? Halloween rocks.Sorry I have been out of pocket. I forgot to tell you that I partook in a Holiday Shopping Show in Knoxville called "**Tinsel & Treasure".** So, I was gone Wed-Sat. Sorry Charlie.I have been obsessed - OBSESSED - with the recent breakup of Reese and Ryan. I just can't stop talking about it. But apparently I'm not alone. This message board forum that I get most of my scoop and pictures from has **30 pages **of comments regarding this. Can you believe it? I think it might have set some kind of record or something. Good thing: I got a FABULOUS new job. I am just so excited I can't stand it. Bad thing: I'm not going to have as much time for HHD. Which is ok. I really needed a break from it anyway, but bad because we still really need money coming in. So, I'm pondering how to manage all this time wise, sine the holidays are upon us. [...]

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