I’ve toured a city by car, bus, train, moped, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, and on foot. Each mode of touring offers different options and varying perspectives on a city.
Travelers in San Francisco and San Diego now have an additional choice on how to see the city — a **GoCar**. The GoCar is a talking 3-wheeled vehicle that gives directions and tour commentary as you see the sights of the city. And it speaks five different languages.
You can follow a standardized tour, deviate where you’d like, or just go off exploring on your own. The GPS tour system is available at no extra charge, and is available for your use as a tour guide. There is no set tour, take whatever pace you’d like, choosing the attractions that you want to stop and see. Bustle through the city or take it all in at a leisurely pace, it’s all up to you. The GoCar will do about 35 miles per hour, and can get into smaller areas where I typical tour bus or van can’t.
The rental is by the hour or the day, and is $44 for the first hour, $34 for the second hour, and $24 per hour after that. There is a maximum charge of five hours. Time is billed in increments of 15 minutes, rounded down, so you never have to pay for time that you don’t use. You must be over 18 years of age to rent a GoCar, and have a valid license and insurance.
In San Francisco, GoCars can be found in Union Square and Fisherman’s Wharf. Although walk ups can sometimes be accommodated, reserve online so that you won’t be disappointed.
I’ll be making plans to be in San Francisco sometime over the next couple of months, and plan on checking out GoCar. On a lovely California day, it sounds like a fun way to tour the city.
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