Geeks on Fashion Parade Top Bloggers in Top Form ...


Geeks on Fashion Parade  Top Bloggers in Top Form ...
Geeks on Fashion Parade  Top Bloggers in Top Form ...

In the arena of the Philippine blogosphere, who among us don’t know who these top bloggers are?

From left to right —

Gail Dela Cruz-Villanueva of Kutitots. Web designer extraodinaire, co-founder of the Philippine Blog Awards and Pinoy Pets Network and owner of SheeroMedia Solutions Group.

Abe Olandres of Yugatech. Successful netrepreneur, owner of plogHost Web Hosting and co-founder of the Philippine Blog Awards and Bayanihan Blog Network, among other things.

Connie Veneracion of The Mommy Journals. Filipina problogger aka the Sassy Lawyer, co-founder of the Pinoy Moms Network and Pinoy Pets Network, and columnist of Manila Standard Today.

Noemi Lardizabal-Dado of About My Recovery. Veteran blogger and co-founder of the Pinoy Moms Network and other online sites and services.

**Jayvee Fernandez **of ABuggedLife. Network blogger (Cellphone9), b5media Technology Channel Editor and co-founder of the Philippine Blog Awards.

They’re on their top form for the event. As I’ve previously mentioned, it’s a semi-formal to formal affair. We, Filipinos, aren’t used to uber-formal events that’s why you will see styles that border on the safe side rather than an all-out fashion adventure(if you know what I mean).

They showcased different styles and hues that reflect their own fashion preferences. From pastels to rich colours, black still seems to be the primary choice for formal events and for the men, one opted to go with a coat and the other, without. All of them looked real spiffy to me.

What do you guys think? Not bad, eh?

Photo taken by Chris Haravata using my 400D.

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