From the Blog Bag ...


From the Blog Bag ...
From the Blog Bag ...

I admit it...I read very few blogs religiously. Mostly, I just run down my own list at random and peek at whats going on on my favorite blogs that day. Now, I also operate on the theory that if I like a blog, I'm going to like that blogger's favorite blogs too. In that vein, I decided that once in a while I would share a new blog I found (new to me that is...I'm often woefully behind on the "hot" blogs) or an old favorite I'd just caught up on.
So, without further ado, let the sharefest begin!
Not exactly a celebrity gossip blog per se Gallery of the Absurd is a state of celebrity commentary blog featuring the artworks and commentary of Fourteen (14).

I don't know if anyone is safe (you can scan the list of celebrities), but as you might guess the 3 bitches of McCelebrity Britney, Lindsay, and Paris are featured prominently, and hysterically. Other recent subjects have been Rachael Ray (which love her, hate her, or love to hate her, is spot on), and the celebrity adoption as accesory trend.

If you love reading celebrity gossip, or blogs that mock it... if you love satire, and parody or if you read MAD, Cracked, or National Lampoon type magazines as a kid (or maybe you still do...nothing wrong with that) then Gallery of the Absurd is for you.

If you are easily offended or can't separate humor from reality, please do not even bother to look...but if you must, don't say I didn't warn you.

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