Filed under: Cosmetics
Two things amaze me about travel these days. One being the strict regulations, I know they are necessary to a degree but taking off your shoes and forfeiting liquids over 3oz can get pretty old. Two, the fact that anyone who can will profit off of our inconvenience by repackaging products so they can market them as air friendly.
Sephora had a "fun" little section on their site today called Airplane Approved Beauty, which is fine until you see the items that grace these pages. They are samples! Samples that cost mega bucks mind you. See this .5oz tube of Smashbox Photo Finish Primer, how much would you say that costs? Free, no guess again... its $15.50.
The product that really grates me are these CARGO ColorCards, which are merely samples of eyeshadow. Granted each case holds 28 cards, but still that is 28 single use shadows held together on a piece of foil. How much does that cost? It costs $24 and out of those colors you might end up liking one or two only to never be able to use them again unless you buy a single container which is only $16.
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