Of all the news, tidbits, funny stories, and assorted other items that have gone viral today, virtually one stands out as the most important piece of news in recent pop culture doings: the verdict of Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physical and friend. Conrad Murray's trial has been going on for about 2 months. When it reached its end today, I can only imagine that it brought closure to Michael Jackson's family and friends -- and certainly his fans had a huge reaction.
The facts of the case don't even touch upon the reactions that came after, but they're unquestionably relevant. The jury deliberated for about 9 hours and ultimately came back with a conviction of involuntary manslaughter. Murray could spend a maximum amount of 4 years in prison as a result – but will he? Crowds outside cheered and applauded as soon as they knew the verdict. Following the announcement of his sentence, Murray was taken back into custody. His sentencing is scheduled for the end of the month – November 29.
That being said, check out the reading of the verdict, Conrad Murray's reaction, and what the mood has been like on the street during the trial itself.
What do you think of the trial? The verdict? What are your feelings on Dr. Conrad Murray himself? Are you glad there's been some closure in Michael Jackson's death or are you over the coverage?
Top Image Source: weheartit.com
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