Britney dead or Alive - the Mashup


Britney dead or Alive - the Mashup
Britney dead or Alive - the Mashup

hey hey! oh yes - the britney spears mashup train is still plowing ahead full steam - this week popbytes' pal **DJ paul v.** found us yet another hot track featuring gimme more - which i'll admit that i'm still listening to! even though ms. spears remains in total mess mode - i just love her single - at least she got one thing right over the past few months! i know you guys will totally enjoy this week's mashup - please have a listen below! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

With all the brouhaha about Britney Spears' VMA disaster subsiding (slightly), lest we forget that 'Gimme More' is actually a pretty - ahem - bitchin' track. Last week's buzzworthy mash with Chris Crocker was more for a chuckle. This week, we get to serious dancefloor business with Team 9, who envisions La Spears hopscotching to France with Daft Punk, then jetting to London with Dead Or Alive. So go on - work it 'n spin this right round...bitch.

Listen to **Team 9 - Britney (Dead or Alive)** [.mp3 9mb]

Enjoy! - DJ Paul V.
The Smash Mix | Indie 103.1FM | Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66

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