Book Club Tim Gunn's Guide to Style


Book Club Tim Gunn's Guide to Style
Book Club Tim Gunn's Guide to Style

When we heard our favorite fashion guru, Tim Gunn, had written his first book, we couldn't wait to get our hands on a copy. Hitting stands today, May 1st, Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style is told in the same witty and reassuring voice Tim has become so noted for on Project Runway. With his partner-in-style Kate Maloney, Assistant Chair of Fashion Design at Parsons, they discuss every aspect of creating and maintaining an individual look. Some of our favorite topics include: how to navigate all types of shops, diagnosing the common closet, finding a style mentor and dressing for everyday occasions. One of the best parts of the book is when Tim denounces the "it" bag calling today's accessories "too big, too shiny." Then he goes on to say, "Why not carry a plastic bag from the supermarket and simply tape your credit card statement to it? It saves wear and tear on the items but still gets the message across!" Lines like that have us eagerly awaiting the next season of Project Runway not to mention, Tim's new Bravo makeover show (based on this book). 'Til then, we're happy to have his wisdom handy in book form! Get your copy, $18,

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