In case you haven’t had a doctor appointment with a urologist just yet, this article will help you understand all the things one can usually expect while making their first visit. But, it is also essential to know what a urologist is? They are doctors specializing in treating conditions related to the genitourinary tract, which are kidneys, urethra, urinary bladder, adrenal glands, and reproductive organs. Moreover, these doctors also help people who have had problems conceiving a child. The urologists in Delhi, or anywhere in the world, would follow certain standard practices and routines. Let us take a look at some of them.
Snapshot Survey
1. Full Bladder
You should never go in with an empty bladder whenever you have a doctor’s appointment with a urologist. The following means to consume loads and loads of water in your system. This is because the urologists would often ask for your urine sample as the base procedure for any tests. So, as soon as you enter the doctor’s setup, the first thing you should specify is that you have your bladder full, and in a position to provide the sample as fast as possible.
However, there might be cases when the doctor's permission is required before gulping down all that water, as they can perform any other test, and not a urinary sample. During such cases, it is advised to make a call before going for the appointment. If the receptionist or the manager says that it takes time before they process your urine sample, you should refrain from having water. Moreover, you should carry a liter or two of water with you while visiting the urologist in Delhi, or anywhere else.
2. Be Ready for a Health Questionnaire
While visiting a urologist’s clinical setup, one has to be prepared to answer some preliminary questions or a questionnaire. Some of the common questions that can be asked are:
A) How many times in a day do you use the bathroom for urination?
B) Do you feel pain while passing urine? If yes, please explain the area in which it pains?
C) What color is your urine (usually)?
D) Have you had any recent consultation with any other doctor? If yes, please write it down.
E) Is there any current medication you are on? If yes, please specify the reason and the drugs recommended.
F) Is this your first-ever visit to a urologist in Delhi? If not, please mention the last visit you have had.
G) Do you take on alcoholic drinks regularly? If yes, what is the frequency of it?
H) Have you had any recent drug reactions? If yes, rank the severity from 1 to 10. For example, 10 is a case of anaphylaxis or extreme drug reaction.
I) Have you had any recent laboratory tests? The timeline for the tests should not exceed three months. If not, can you provide us with the details or a screenshot, or a hardcopy?
J) Any intricate detail you want to share with us that goes beyond the scope of the above questions?
These are some of the questions that you can expect, even before the doctor’s appointment. The whole purpose of these questions is to understand your problem(s), habits, and any other complexities. In addition, it eases the processes, which we’ll list ahead.
3. The Visit
After answering all the questions above, you’d be called in the chronological sequence, as per your “doctor appointment time” or first-come, first-serve basis. Regardless, your urologist in Delhi or anywhere else would ask you some common questions, which of course, would go beyond the questions asked above. After which, they can go ahead with the physical examination.
Some of the standard physical examinations are:
Digital Rectal Exam
The following test would be done if you are a male. Moreover, a lubricated, gloved finger would be inserted via the rectum to evaluate your prostate. The purpose of performing the tests can be reconciled with the problems such as “urinary retention,” “urinary urgency,” “leaking urine,” and “urinary dribbling.” Any enlargement or irregularities can be felt prominently by performing the following test. Moreover, the test might be painful for some, and you should be ready to face such pain. Furthermore, you need to know that a normal-sized prostate is two to four centimeters long, and is triangular.
Other types of tests that your urologist can ask is:
Prostate-Specific Antigen Tests
The test is designed to measure the amounts of protein that are being released by your prostate; if the numbers are higher than specified, then it indicates inflammation. Moreover, it helps in diagnosing the probability of prostate cancer.
Creatinine and Blood Urea Nitrogen Test
The test is performed to understand kidney functioning. Moreover, a higher ratio of creatinine to blood urea indicates that the functioning is inefficient. However, if your levels are alarmingly low, you can find helpful gummies from
It is by far the most prevalent test that your doctor would recommend. It helps in analyzing any type of infection by taking into consideration- WBCs, high protein levels, and high glucose levels.
Imaging Techniques
X-ray, MRI, and ultrasound are some of the standard imaging techniques that your doctor can ask for. Moreover, these tests inform about various serious concerns.
Semen Analysis
The following tests are only recommended for males who have had problems in having a child. The analysis reveals results about sperm motility and shape. If any one of the following is an issue, then a detailed analysis and procedure can be performed.
Testosterone Blood Tests
It is to check the hormonal levels of your male reproductive organ. It is mainly done for issues such as erectile dysfunction that exist in the male.
4. Your Treatment Plan
A treatment plan will be discussed after you have the following tests and diagnostic procedures done. The treatment plan would inform you about what you can eat and what lifestyle changes you would need to incorporate, and will help discuss other procedures to be performed. The procedure can mean a non-invasive surgery or even an invasive surgery.
While making a doctor’s appointment with a urologist in Delhi, you need to have an open conversation about your problem. Moreover, certain procedures can be painless, while some of them can be extremely painful.