Staff at a top London dance studio breathe a sigh of relief as Heather Mills quit the studio after just one day.
Sir Paul McCartney's ex had booked Pineapple Dance Studios in Covent Garden for this entire week to undergo secret practice sessions with top choreographers for Dancing With The Stars - but pulled out at the last minute. During her one day in the posh London venue Heather insisted the blinds were always closed and was strict on security. She didn't want anybody finding out she was there, especially after a disability campaign group attacked her this week for using her disabled parking badge even though she's taking part in a dancing show.
The former model, 39, also had staff on call at all times in case she needed anything so they're probably glad she's gone. One onlooker said: "They hadn't seen anything like it since Madonna filmed a music video there last year. She was quite demanding."
But Heather didn't get off scott free - she has to fork out over £50 an hour for the entire week she booked for. They also said: "Staff were left with no option but to hand her a bill for the entire week, even though she's not using the studio, which she agreed to pay without fuss."
Maybe the thought of dancing on TV has only just hit her. Yet just a couple of days ago she seemed confident saying: "I have no fear; I'm happy to be thrown around. It's very unlikely my leg's going to fly off, even though it'd be funny to knock one of the judges out. In my mad, crazy life, it's actually going to be great fun."
I was thoroughly disappointed when they announced "she" was going to be on the show. Maybe, she knows she will probably be the first to go!