Here’s another layout I’d like to share you. It was created by the very artsy, Airees as a response to My Little Attic’s We R Memory Keepers Layout Challenge.
I don’t feature ALL scrapbook layouts I’ve ever come across but I like featuring layouts that I find especially unique or even cute! And this layout of Airees’s is too good to pass up.
Airees’s journal is especially touching as she talks about the 3 things that she is grateful for (and this was written the night before she was to undergo a battery of medical tests to find out what is wrong with her!).
After the jump, you’ll find Airees’s full journal entry and you’ll know why it has touched me.
February 18, 2007 - I am doing this layout a day before I undergo several tests at the Asian Hospital tomorrow afternoon. I will be staying there for 2 days to finish all the tests and hopefully be home by Wednesday. I don’t know what will happen next nor what the results would be.
I was advised by my neurologist to undergo MRI to examine my brain! I’ve been suffering from what I believe a migraine for about 5 years now but 2 years after I fell from the stairs, I had a “regular” migraine attacks and stronger intensity running down to my right shoulder. I finally had the guts to have myself examined by a neurologist after I realized that I have my kids to take care of and I needed to be alive for them!
As of now, I don’t feel anything except the nagging pain on my neck. I only think that the tests will just be a routine check-up and I will be fine. Perhaps, I am not that afraid yet, for I know God has the ultimate plan for my life and I know that He knows my kids need me for now…
But, My Little Attic’s challenge to make a layout for myself and what are the “things” I am grateful for INSPIRED me to make one. Funny, one thing that crossed my mind to make this layout is that if ever I’ll undergo a surgery or what, and I might have to lose my memory, at least I have a record of what I am grateful for and what the heck I am doing in this life! Yeah, I know, I am morbid. But its not impossible, right?
So, to my family, whatever happens to me and my memory, remind me of these 3 “things” that I am forever grateful to have:
ALBUMS - Its not the album per se that I am grateful but what they contain: my family, friends and the people I worked with, the relationships I have with them, for the lessons in life that each one taught me and for that, I have become the person I am right now.
INVITATIONS, BOOKS & MAGAZINES, TOOLS** - They symbolize the talents that I have that God gave me. And because of this, it has become my passion and the passion led me to create works of art that I get to share with the people around me and has somehow brought joy and inspiration to them. I am grateful for the life I live right now because I have developed my self-esteem, found my own place under the sun, and my self-worth.
FAITH** - Without this, I am nothing. Over the years, my relationship with my Creator has helped me go through what life has given me. I may not express my being a Catholic as much as other people would do, but the personal relationship with my Creator has been my source of strength - the reason for my being - and to Whom my life should be directed upon. It is a process and I take it one day at a time…..
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