8 Responses to "I Love You" when You Don't Feel the Same Way ...


8 Responses to "I Love You" when You Don't Feel the Same Way ...
8 Responses to "I Love You" when You Don't Feel the Same Way ...

If your love life is as much of a disaster as mine, you’re more likely to be the one who is met with silence when you tell someone you love them. But what if it’s the other way round, and you know that you don’t feel the same way, or you’re not sure? Is honesty always the best policy, or can you let someone down gently? Here are some suggestions as to what you should say.

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I Wish I Could Say the Same

food,dessert,sweetness,AMCOR, Photo Credit: Lady-bug

This might seem a little brutal, and has to be said with care. Providing you explain that you just don’t feel the same way, the other party will then know where they stand. Said with the right tone this might work, but if you say it too bluntly, it might be hurtful.


I Can’t See Myself Feeling That Way

pink,food,petal,dessert,finger, Photo Credit: genevieve_n

If you really are sure that you won’t ever be in love with someone, then it’s best to be honest about it. Knowing this means that they have the choice to move on, rather than live in hope. Again, be nice the way you say this!


I Don’t Think I Can Give You What You Want

food,heart,dessert,snack food,YOU, Photo Credit: James M. Thorne

Again, if you are certain that you won’t share their feelings, be honest about it. A dead silence or a lie just won’t do. How would you feel if someone told you they loved you but didn’t mean it?


I’m Not Certain What I Feel Yet

nail,finger,color,blue,hand, Photo Credit: Melancoly

This is potentially risky, as the other person may take it as meaning that you are trying to say a definite no. However, we don’t usually fall in love simultaneously, so if they are patient enough to wait and see, then you might return their feelings when the time is right.


I’m Not Looking for a Committed Relationship

color,green,font,art,chalk, Photo Credit: islovealive

Sometimes people catch you by surprise, and say very early on that they love you. If that’s not the type of relationship you’re looking for, tell them so. If it looks as though they are someone who falls in love too quickly, you might be better off distancing yourself!


When someone unexpectedly tells you they love you, it can be a difficult situation to navigate. It's important to be honest and upfront about what you are looking for, and if it's not a committed relationship, you should express that to the other person. It's also important to be aware of the other person's feelings and to be respectful of them.

It's not uncommon for people to fall in love too quickly. If you feel that the other person may be in that situation, it is best to distance yourself. This can be done in a tactful and respectful way. It's important to be honest with the other person, but also to be kind.

It's also important to remember that everyone deals with situations differently. Some people may be more open to discussing their feelings, while others may be more hesitant. It's important to be understanding of the other person's feelings and to be respectful of them.

It's also important to remember that relationships take time to develop. You should never feel pressured into a relationship before you are ready. Take the time to get to know the other person, and if it's not the right time or the right person, it's okay to say no.


There’s No Chance

red,finger,hand,outerwear,abdomen, Photo Credit: JenniPenni

If someone you’re not even dating tells you they love you, make it very clear that nothing is going to happen. Taking pity on them may lead to them taking advantage of your soft nature, so say no chance and stick to it.


I Care about You but I Don’t Love You

text,handwriting,font,wall,writing, Photo Credit: SierraRosePhotography

This is a good response if someone is pushing you to respond with ‘I love you too’ and you know that you won’t fall in love with them. It won’t be the answer they want to hear, and might not go down too well, but you should never be pushed into lying.


I Want to Wait until I Really Mean It

white,red,product,bottle,drinkware, Photo Credit: northern star

If you think that you may or will feel the same way about them in the future, this tells them that you need to wait until you can say it sincerely. If they genuinely love you, then they will be prepared to wait until you are ready.

Never lie and say you love someone when you don’t, even if you are afraid of hurting them. It will simply hurt them more when they realize the truth, and you risk being trapped in a relationship that does not make you happy. What have you said when in this situation? Have you ever been on the receiving end of an insensitive response?

Top Photo Credit: Co®tex™

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I once said '' I have come to be fond of you as well''

it feels good to know that i am not the only one saying thank you. but i always said that coz i didnt want to say that i like that boy back. now things have changed and i think i wont use "thank you" anymore :)

once i said "thank you".... it was silly, but it worked cos at the end i felt the same... anyways it was really funny for my friends laughing at me cos i said "thank you"

and i stupidly said the guy "tht's very sweet of u, but it wnt work out, cos i prefer older guys..(he was the same age as me)"

When I was 19, a man told me he loved me, and I replied, "No, you don't, and I don't love you either!" I married him at 23 and we had a child at 29. Safe to say, I came around, but he still likes to bring up my first response!

I have been married for 14 years and found out my husband has been telling his family that he has never loved me. That he doesn't think he has ever loved a woman. That broke my heart.

My friend once replied "I like you bunches." Apparently that didn't end well. I've said "I love me too." Always the charmer.

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