8 Perfect Holiday Movies ...


8 Perfect Holiday Movies ...
8 Perfect Holiday Movies ...

Christmas time is my absolutely most favorite time of the year. You will probably hear me say that many, many more times in all my holiday post. The season is creeping up on us again! Christmas bells are in the near future! Time to pull out those Christmas movie favorites and get ready to snuggle up with a blanket and hot cocoa! Here is a small sampling of my favorites

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Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer

Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer Photo Credit: rich66 ~~

Rudolf the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose, and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows... I watch this movie every year. As a child, I couldn’t wait for it to air on television and I’m glad it’s available to watch at my convenience!


Frosty the Snowman

Frosty the Snowman Photo Credit: Dave DiCello

Get your kids ready for snow days with the wonderful classic! I also watch this every year. My kids laugh at the graphics and animation, but I don’t care. I watch it anyway. There’s too many memories wrapped up for me!

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Garfield's Christmas

Garfield's Christmas Photo Credit: Shirley CR

Your favorite fat cat in a Christmas classic! Garfield has lasted many years, and now he is available for our kids to enjoy. How fun!


It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life Photo Credit: luverne

This brings me to tears every time I see it! And it never gets old! This is an annual Christmas Eve tradition at my house. We never miss it. I could watch this anytime of the year, but it wouldn’t be the same. Traditions are hard to break, aren’t they?


Miricle on 34th Street

Miricle on 34th Street Photo Credit: Kim, Mike & Fiona

Another tearjerker! Get the classic 1947 version! Or the newer version is also sweet, too. I have them both and alternate which one I view each year. Either version will put a smile on your face.

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Borrowed Hearts

Borrowed Hearts Photo Credit: krupa15

A family movie we love watching every year. It’s about a lady who accidently gets “borrowed” or rented for the holidays by her boss. He wants her to pretend she is his wife so he can close on a big business deal. The ending may be a dead give away, but then again you never know what to expect with a rented heart!


Seasons of the Heart

Seasons of the Heart Photo Credit: ArtFromM(elia)

What this movie lacks in action, it well makes up for in emotion. Please stick with it! This is not a movie we watch every year, yet it is a great movie to kindle love. This movie is all about sorrow, bitterness, compassion, and the end result of true love. You will probably shed a tear or two at the end of the movie.



Snowglobe Photo Credit: adem chua

Snowglobe, starring Christina Milian, is a corny movie. Really. But sometimes, it’s nice to just sit back and let your mind relax without any emotional, heavy themes. The underlying theme of this cute movie seems to what a lot of people need in this world today. Life isn’t always a fairy tale dream. Life isn’t perfect. And sometimes life dishes out happier endings than we could have imagined. A Christmas movie “must see.”

So, that’s my first list of Christmas movies. You probably own most of these already. If not, keep your eye out for TV listings because they will air during the Christmas season. Have you seen any of these great movies? What’s

Top Photo Credit: Lori L. Garske /Very Busy at This time

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A Christmas Story!!! what kid doesn't want a red ryder bb gun for Cristmas???

What about "Love actually"?

When Harry Met Sally!

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