8 Brilliantly Weird Museums ...


8 Brilliantly Weird Museums ...
8 Brilliantly Weird Museums ...

I do enjoy a good museum. When I lived in London, I just loved being able to visit the V&A and the Natural History Museum on a regular basis. Where I live now we have the shoe museum, which to be fair is actually pretty cool and when I go on vacation I like to visit a local museum. I’m still not sure whether the weird and wonderful is my sort of thing and after looking up this lot I’m about to present to you I really have just one question: Why?

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The Icelandic Phallological Museum

The Icelandic Phallological Museum Image source: 28.media.tumblr.com

I’m sure if this museum was based somewhere on mainland Europe or in the States it would get more visitors. This museum is dedicated to the penis. It has 272 specimens from 92 different species including human. There are also 300+ oddments relating to the general penis theme –one can only imagine… What did John Bobbitt do with his?


The Sulabh International Museum of Toilets

The Sulabh International Museum of Toilets Image source: images.thaiza.com

Do you want to join the Sanitation Crusade? This is the published objective of this strange place. Oddly, there are some incredible works of art in these bathroom essentials and it covers the entire history from chamber pots to the ultra modern space age loo of today. There is a serious side to this though – sanitation in India needs a crusader like Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak.

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Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum

Salt and Pepper Shaker Museum Photo Credit: Rae Hartsock

Only well-seasoned museum hounds can enjoy something like this, others will just be all shook up. In Gatlinburg, Tennessee you can see 20,000 salt and pepper shakers that have been collected by Andrea Ludden for over 22 years.


Meguro Parasitological Museum

Meguro Parasitological Museum Photo Credit: istolethetv

Well then. If you ever need a reason to visit Japan? This is the museum blurb – “Try to think about parasites without a feeling of fear, and take the time to learn about their wondrous and resourceful way of life”. I’m online booking my flight right now.


Corpus Human Body Museum

Image source: worldsstrangest.com

This is an enormous replica of a human body that you walk round in Amsterdam, Holland. If you’ve got the legs for it and can stomach the experience, you can take an incredible journey top to toe and learn the answers to all sorts of questions. Wanna hear a burp or see sperm swimming?

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The Museum of Bad Art

The Museum of Bad Art Photo Credit: Chris Devers

I have a bit of a problem with this one because I always think art is an intensely personal thing and what might be utter rubbish to someone is a thing of beauty and has deep meaning to somebody else. There are 3 locations, all in Massachusetts. It’s online, too.


Dr. Pepper Museum

Dr. Pepper Museum Photo Credit: stidball

Being British, I’ve never really gotten the whole Dr. Pepper thing. Sure we have it here but it hasn’t the status anywhere near that of Coke or Pepsi so I can’t really see why there would be a museum dedicated to the stuff. Plus it’s in Waco, Texas which I always associate with David Koresh. In UK English we’d probably pronounce Waco as Whacko which is entirely fitting for a Dr. Pepper museum and Mr. Koresh.


National Museum of Funeral History

National Museum of Funeral History Photo Credit: April A. Taylor (Dark Art/Horror Photography)

Texas really seems to be one weird place. First I found the Prison museum and then I happened on this one. Detractors of museums see them as fusty places full of dead things. Here it goes one step further and exhibits everything to do with human burial. What tickled me though was that it is mainly funded by two annual golf tournaments. I just don’t get the connection.

Well if a museum is meant to leave you in wonder – these have certainly done their job.

Anyone for anymore?

Top Photo Credit: photojennic

Feedback Junction

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a couple of the are quite creepy! but I would probably visit them anyways. hehehe

Cant believe you didn't touch upon the Mutter Medical Museum in Philadelphia. Hands down (or off) the best weird museum I've ever seen. And Informative as well! Just don't eat before you take a tour. Its pretty weird.

The Corpus Human Body Museum looks pretty cool!

Wow....these are pretty interesting. I would love to visit the shoe museum also.

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