8 All-Natural Summer Remedies for Your Hair ...

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8 All-Natural Summer Remedies for Your Hair ...

Summer is truly a tough time for our hair - it can easily become frizzy, dehydrated, and weathered by the sun and dry wind. Today, I will share with you my secrets of summer hair care: right diet and all-natural homemade masks, which will help you improve appearance of hair and make it look sexy, shiny, thick, and fabulous!
Hair Diet:

• As hair is made of protein, your diet should include plenty of natural meat, fish, and dairy products.
• Decreasing the amount of carbs (especially wheat and other gluten-containing grains) will improve scalp disorders, like seborrhea or dandruff.
• Liberal amounts of organic butter and coconut oil in your diet will provide essential lubrication and moisture to the hair.
Natural hair beauty masks:
Homemade masks, whipped up with just a few simple and easy to find herbs, oils, and other natural ingredients, will nourish, strengthen, and rejuvenate your hair. Make hair masks your weekly routine. Apply them freshly-made, massage into the scalp, let stay for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse with warm camomile water and mild shampoo.

Ayurvedic mask
made of equal amounts of freshly-squeezed lemon juice and olive oil, will greatly improve dry hair and give it instant shine.
Russian mask
made of yogurt or buttermilk, will prevent dandruff, strengthen the roots, and give your hair wonderful shine and softness.
Mediterranean mask
made of egg yolks mixed with liquid honey, will deep condition your hair, stimulate the roots, and sooth the scalp.
Cleopatra’s mask
made of white clay or red mud, is extremely effective against weak and dull hair.
Philippine mask
made of extra-virgin coconut oil mixed with palm wine (or cognac) is helpful against split hair.
Take a good care of your hair with these gorgeous, all-natural remedies, and even in the driest summer days **your hair will look brilliant and silky soft ** - as a wonderful expression of your beauty and individuality!

About the Author

Amanda Brown is our Healthy Lifestyle Expert. Amanda lives in Canada, and her background includes Degrees in Ethnology, History, and Wholistic Therapies. Her true passion, though, lies in the fields of traditional nutrition, history of medicine… learn more about Amanda here.

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