Unique and Fun Facts about Thanksgiving for People Who Love Trivia ...


Unique and Fun Facts about Thanksgiving  for People Who Love Trivia ...
Unique and Fun Facts about Thanksgiving  for People Who Love Trivia ...

Thanksgiving is finally here and so are these fabulous facts on Thanksgiving! Hopefully, they'll entertain you and help you keep your mind off all the stressful things that come with this great holiday. From facts on Macy's parade to interesting stats on how much turkey we, as a nation, eat on Thanksgiving, you'll find some great facts on Thanksgiving to share with your family and friends this holiday season!

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Thanksgiving Celebration

people, photograph, person, photography, family, In the United States, we celebrate Halloween on the fourth Thursday in November. However, in Canada, they celebrate Thanksgiving as the second Monday in October. So, if you’re from the United States and you visit Canada on the second Monday in October, you better be prepared for Thanksgiving celebration. The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted for a total of three days.


The First Celebration

ceremony, season, The first Thanksgiving celebration was done in the fall of 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts. The drink that was brought in the Mayflower was beer and that is what they drank.

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Thanksgiving Proclamation

room, wall, home, porch, wood, On October 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation. This is where he officially set the last Thursday of November to the side as the national day for Thanksgiving. Before this, the earlier presidents would make an annual proclamation to tell the day Thanksgiving would be held on.


Black Friday

porch, room, living room, wood, floor, The day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday. This is the beginning of Christmas shopping season. It has been said that this tradition has been around since the year 1924. Take note that Black Friday is not always the busiest shopping time of the year. The Saturday before Christmas generally is. However, in 2003 and 2005, Black Friday was the busiest shopping day of the year.


Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

sports, marr, The Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade started in 1924. It is the second oldest parade in America. Philadelphia has an older parade that is originally known as Gimbels Thanksgiving Day Parade. Now, it is 6abc IKEA Thanksgiving Day Parade.

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Thanksgiving Day Meal

food, dish, produce, vegetable, land plant, Does anyone love cranberries? Well, it seems American’s do! Each year, Americans eat over four hundred million pounds of cranberries. On Thanksgiving week alone, they eat eighty million pounds. About twenty percent of America’s cranberries are eating on Thanksgiving.


Turkey Anyone?

dish, hendl, food, roasting, meat, Eighty eight percent of the American population consumes turkey on Thanksgiving Day also known as Turkey Day. Around forty six million turkeys are eaten on Thanksgiving Day. That is seven hundred and thirty six million pounds of turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Wow, that is a lot of lives … I mean turkeys!

There you have 7 facts on Thanksgiving. Sometimes, people forget the true meaning of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is not all about the meal and the food we eat. At times, we need to look past that meal and see the others that are sitting around us at the table. Think about how each one of those individuals has helped make your life a bit better this year. So, here comes the ever so popular question – what do you have to be thankful for?

Top Photo Credit: wearingitonmysleeves.com

Feedback Junction

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Actually the first Thanksgiving was December 4, 1619 in Jamestown. The problem: history is written by the victors; therefore the romanticized image of wholesome pilgrims, noble natives & a loaded table won out over the grim reality of early Jamestown.

For number 7, did you mean to put Thanksgiving? "In the United States, we celebrate Halloween on the fourth Thursday in November."

This is one of the worst articles I’ve seen written on here.

today is Thanksgiving day,hope you happy in Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving guys! %)

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