10 Beautiful Thanksgiving Quotes ...


10 Beautiful Thanksgiving Quotes ...
10 Beautiful Thanksgiving Quotes ...

The following 10 beautiful Thanksgiving quotes are ones that I find to be beautiful, in their own special way. Many of them remind me just how thankful I am for all that I have and others are simple and sweet. I hope you find a few of these to be inspiring. Feel free to pass them on to someone you are thankful to have in your life.

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If the Only Prayer You Said in Your Life Was, “thank You,” That Would Suffice. – Meister Eckhart

If the Only Prayer You Said in Your Life Was, “thank You,” That Would Suffice. – Meister Eckhart Photo Credit: Nancy Rose

I’m surprised at how many people don’t say these two little words. I try to say them even for the smallest things in life. I want people to know I appreciate something they have done and that I don’t take their actions for granted.


We Can Only Be Said to Be Alive in Those Moments when Our Hearts Are Conscious of Our Treasures. – Thornton Wilder

We Can Only Be Said to Be Alive in Those Moments when Our Hearts Are Conscious of Our Treasures. – Thornton Wilder Photo Credit: Pink Scarf

Have you ever been truly elated about something being a part of your life? It doesn’t have to be a material possession, but maybe a person or even the adoration of someone else. When I feel blue, I try to think of all I have to be thankful for and this usually cheers me up in no time at all. I’m happiest when I think about all the “treasures” in my life.


There is a Calmness to a Life Lived in Gratitude, a Quiet Joy. – Ralph H. Blum

There is a Calmness to a Life Lived in Gratitude, a Quiet Joy. – Ralph H. Blum Photo Credit: Mike Cohn

I’ve noticed that people who are grateful for what they have are usually very relaxed individuals. They also don’t tend to get stressed-out by much at all. These people take life in stride and enjoy everything that comes their way. They find at least a bit of good in everything.


Let Us Be Grateful to People Who Make Us Happy; They Are the Charming Gardeners Who Make Our Souls Blossom. – Marcel Proust

Let Us Be Grateful to People Who Make Us Happy; They Are the Charming Gardeners Who Make Our Souls Blossom. – Marcel Proust Photo Credit: Lawrence OP

I’m always grateful for the people who make me happy. I can’t imagine life without them! My husband makes me laugh at least a few times each day, so I guess he’d be considered the head gardener in this quote!


He Who Thanks but with the Lips Thanks but in Part; the Full, the True Thanksgiving Comes from the Heart. – J.a. Shedd

He Who Thanks but with the Lips Thanks but in Part; the Full, the True Thanksgiving Comes from the Heart. – J.a. Shedd Photo Credit: sandra..

I know some people who say the words and don’t place any meaning at all behind them. A few people are able to put on a sincere face without meaning it, but most can’t hide their lack of sincerity. People who are truly thankful are able to show it with their actions, expressions, and their entire being.


People Who Live the Most Fulfilling Lives Are the Ones Who Are Always Rejoicing at What They Have. – Richard Carlson

People Who Live the Most Fulfilling Lives Are the Ones Who Are Always Rejoicing at What They Have. – Richard Carlson Photo Credit: konaboy

Being happy with what you have can be hard at times. If you can be grateful for even the smallest things in life, you’ll find life to be much more fulfilling. Buying lots of things and getting to travel can make people happy as well, but I don’t think these two things are the only ones that can make a person feel fulfilled.


It is Impossible to Feel Grateful and Depressed in the Same Moment. – Naomi Williams

It is Impossible to Feel Grateful and Depressed in the Same Moment. – Naomi Williams Photo Credit: BlueisCoool

I have to agree with this one completely. Being grateful for something makes me happy, not depressed. If I’m feeling blue and think about what I’m grateful for, then I cheer up in no time at all, which proves this quote to be very true indeed!


Forever on Thanksgiving Day the Heart Will Find the Pathway Home. – Wilbur D. Nesbit

Forever on Thanksgiving Day the Heart Will Find the Pathway Home. – Wilbur D. Nesbit Photo Credit: Daniela Duncan

Family is always on my mind during the holidays and Thanksgiving is no exception. This is a time for gathering with friends and family and expressing thankfulness for not only each person in your life, but also for the people who have been a part of your life in the past.


If You Want to Turn Your Life around, Try Thankfulness. It Will Change Your Life Mightily. – Gerald Good

If You Want to Turn Your Life around, Try Thankfulness. It Will Change Your Life Mightily. – Gerald Good Photo Credit: dining delight

This quote makes me think of Scrooge and the Grinch. Neither of these two characters was thankful for anything, just grouchy and mean. It seems that once they quit thinking about themselves they became more aware of those around them. They actually cared about someone other than themselves and changed their lives completely.


As We Express Our Gratitude, We Must Never Forget That the Highest Appreciation is Not to Utter Words, but to Live by Them. – JFK

As We Express Our Gratitude, We Must Never Forget That the Highest Appreciation is Not to Utter Words, but to Live by Them. – JFK Photo Credit: melepix

I thought of another quote about practicing what you preach when I read this quote by JFK. This also falls along the lines of a previous quote that referred to showing how thankful you were and not just saying the words.

I always try to find the good in everything, which can be extremely difficult at times. These 10 beautiful Thanksgiving quotes are just a few of the many that have been uttered over the centuries. Is there a thanksgiving quote that you’ve come across recently or in the past that made an impression on you? Why do you think this quote was such a special one to you?

Top Photo Credit: earth911.com

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My favorite is "It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy."

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