7 Bulbs to Plant This Fall ...


7 Bulbs to Plant This Fall ...
7 Bulbs to Plant This Fall ...

There are so many reasons I’m sad to see summer go, but the start of fall does mean I get to do a number of things to prepare my yard and garden for next spring, and that can be exciting, too! I get to harvest the last of my tomatoes and green beans, make some room for my growing pumpkins, and plant my bulbs, so I’ll have gorgeous flowers next spring! If you want to be greeted by bold red and yellow tulips or delicate blue and purple hyacinths after the snow melts, grab your shovel and pull on your gardening gloves! Here’s a list of 7 bulbs to plant this fall.



Crocuses Photo Credit: eyeflyer

These pretty little flowers bloom just after the snow begins to melt, and there’s nothing sweeter than the first tiny crocus peeping up through the snow. It’s a sure sign spring is on the way, and is there any better feeling than knowing you’ve made it through another rough, cold winter?



Gladiolas Photo Credit: Ashley1954

I love gladiolas because they’re so graceful, and they come in so many beautiful colors. They feature long, slender stalks with rows of delicate blooms on each… at a wedding I stood up in once, we bridesmaids all carried an armload of stark white gladiolas, and they were gorgeous!



Irises Photo Credit: Ronaldo F Cabuhat

If I had to choose a favorite bulb to plant each fall, it would have to be irises. They’re so regal, and the colors and shape are so bold and unusual. My favorites are the purples and yellow, but the dark blues and blacks are gorgeous, too. Planting or splitting irises can be time-consuming, though, so set aside a good chunk of time to do it right!



Tulips Photo Credit: Ronaldo F Cabuhat

Tulips are an easy bulb to plant in the fall… the only difficulty you’re likely to have is choosing which ones to plant! Do you want a bold, dramatic red, or a delicate white with streaks of pink? Do you plant them in orderly rows, or scatter them about?



Hyacinth Photo Credit: Janny Brocken

For some reason, these delicate little flowers remind me of Easter, even more than lilies do. The color is gorgeous, typically white, pink, lavender, or blue, and they smell so sweet, unlike most other bulbs.



Daffodils Photo Credit: Parvin ♣( OFF for a while )

I plant a bunch of these each fall because they remind me of my mother, who lives across the country. I love the bright yellows and whites, and a bouquet of fresh-cut daffodils looks to elegant and clean!



Allium Photo Credit: oneworldmj

These are another favorite bulb to plant each fall. When the bloom, they’re perfectly round, and they look soft and puffy. They can be tiny spheres, or quite large, and they come in so many colors! I love them!

Those are the bulbs I plant each fall, and while I’m sad summer’s over, I can’t wait to get ready for spring blooms this year! I’m excited to get my daffodils in, especially… which of these bulbs do you plant in the fall? Or do you have another that you like to plant? Please let me know! I have one tin spot left in my garden for another bulb…

Top Photo Credit: Dewberry Parfum ♥ ♥ (physio helps slowly)

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Hyacinth and Gladiols are my favourites. In case of tulips I prefer yellow.

Wow...this bring memories of spring in my garden. I do have to plant some more tulips this fall, as for some reason they keep on vanishing on me.

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