WCB 58
We coming to you from Australia with a Fashion parade. Is your favourite kitty wearing the latest kitty fashions? Probably not, but Kiri is here to model for you the latest in haute coture the kneck scarf, with enough warmth for the cold wet net of any Sydneyite kitty cat this week and it will definately keep your kitty’s neck warm in the up coming Autumn and winter. They are so quick to knit your kitty can have one for every day of the week, heck every day of the cold season. On to the photos…
Once I have uploaded all the comments I am going to attempt the pattern, oh boy
Check out the side of kitty delivered to the door at Musings
Check out the kitty down the rabbit hole, I wonder what worlds lie on the otherside? at Jelly Pizza
Check out Fridolin who is taking a break from the rigours of imposed by the paparazzi this week with an old photo (You can send some of that heat down here…) at Rosa’s Yummy Yums
Check out the awesome homemade tea tins that Glinda is showing us, after a cuppa don’t forget to play with Hamlet at Anne’s Food
Check out the kitties trying to help welcome the beastie… or perhaps show the house is waay to full for a beastie? at Interrupted Wanderlust
Check out the fabulous Upsie she is having a FROZEN margaritta in honour of the fashion parade at What did you eat?
Check out a fabulous looking vichyssoise and something unmentionable (oh boy) that Whiskey is doing?Performing? (:) ) at Just Braise
Check out thekitty that is so happy to be the centre of attention at Champaign Taste
Check out A FABULOUS photo of Ally, wow at Masak-Masak
Check out Mrs Cat, if Mother Earth had a set of claws like that there would be no environmental problems! at Belly-Timber
Check out the battle betwen the cat mint and the sun which will win? onlyDiane knows at Alpine berry
Check out the poor broken footed Tiki she has taken Rachel and My heart at Fresh Approach Cooking
Check out the soon to be bereved (for 2.5 wks) Kamikaze atI got two shoes
Check out Lucky, he is regretting the extra money he spent on his pyjamas this winter, he should have kept some change for a summer pair at These days in French life
Check out the nice old photos of cats (Tiggy and Poppy) past at Two Black Cats
Check out the threatening looks being given over attempts to adjust the AC dial at Peanut Butter and Purple Onions
Check out Vodka who is soooo happy her Mum is back (its a movie!) at Cel’s Home Page
Check out Win who is reminding her mum to do the washing at The omnivourous Egg
Check out the best Pirates of the Condiminium impersonation I have seen from Babaganoush at Passionate Nonchalance
Check out the boys as youngsters on the couch at T.Bird on a Wire
Check out the adorable Tiggy who hates to sleep late at ChefSarah Jane
Check out the grumpykitties wilting in the heat at Habeas Brulee