7 Ways to Survive the Seven Year Itch ...


7 Ways to Survive the Seven Year Itch ...
7 Ways to Survive the Seven Year Itch ...

Marriages seem to fall apart a lot quicker than they used to. Studies show that around the seventh year couples tend to get what is known as the “7 year itch”. Believe it or not, this ‘itch’ is able to be prevented, with a little help from both you and your spouse. Here are 7 ways to survive the Seven Year Itch.

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Communication is the key to understanding one another. If you are able to convey to your spouse what you are feeling, then there shouldn’t be any confusion as to what each of you want, need, feel, believe, etc. Talk things over when you feel they aren’t going well or if you feel something is off; even the slightest bit.


Avoid Becoming Distracted from Your Relationship

It might seem easier so focus your attention on something else when your relationship isn’t going the way you expect it to. Spending more time away from one another usually makes the ‘itch’ much worse. Don’t try to make yourself happy by drowning out your relationship issues with senseless distractions.

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Step out of the Daily Routine Once in a While

Do something spontaneous! Take a weekend trip to somewhere exciting. Try rock climbing, going on a horseback ridding adventure, or drop everything and catch a movie. It doesn’t have to be something romantic to remedy the lack of closeness you might be feeling towards your spouse. As long as you both are enjoying the spontaneous moment together then that’s all that matters.


Have a Night out on the Town Together Regularly

Date night should be an event all couples work into their relationship, even if it only happens once a month or every couple of months. It gives you both something to look forward to. You will be able to relax and take your mind off of the daily grind by sharing a night together.


Take up a Mutual Hobby

Maybe one of you expressed an interest in fly tying. Why don’t you both try it? You can both sample a hobby without taking it to extreme levels. Go for a class or two and see if you like it. As long as you both are doing it together, then the experience will be good for you.

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Go on an Adventure Together

Have you ever wanted to explore a certain foreign country? Do you both have a desire to take your mountain bikes and hit the trails for a weekend, just to see what it is like? Many businesses specialize in making adventure safe for even the most inexperienced person. Sign up for something daring. You’ll have each other for support and it might be best if it’s something neither of you have any experience in at all. This will keep you both on the same page right from the start.


Stir up a Little Passion in Your Relationship

By something that makes you feel sexy, send an anonymous gift to your loved one, spice things up with a romantic candlelit dinner, or make a suggestion in the bedroom that you’ve never tried out before. Spice things up a bit and see where they go!

If you have tried something that isn’t on this list of 7 ways to survive the Seven Year Itch, feel free to let me know. I’m sure others would benefit from your experience and greatly appreciate any additional ideas you have to offer. Do you think most marriages today even make it as far as the 7 year mark before the ‘itch’ occurs?

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com

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