Vista Geek Tips Link round-up


Vista Geek Tips Link round-up
Vista Geek Tips Link round-up

Vista is now available to the masses. If you're confused about it just like the rest of us, breathe a sigh of relief because below is a list of links to some of the most helpful articles I've read so far on Vista. I'll be featuring this post on Techie Diva this week (so you'll see it at the top) in case you need a quick reference guide to help you decide on that upgrade, prepare for an installation, or learn more about it. If you come across other helpful links to good articles on Vista, please submit it to us in the comments below. I will be updating the list on a daily basis as part of the "Geek Tips" and might even include your links. Good Luck!
• Vista is Here! (Techie Diva)• Vista Arrives Tonight: Find Drivers, Upgrade Warnings (Yahoo Tech)• Should I upgrade to Vista now or wait? (Lifehacker)• What's New in Windows Vista Anyway? (Yahoo Tech)• Windows Vista Complete Guide (CNET)• Windows Vista upgrade Guide- part 1 (Engadget)• Do you really need Windows Vista? (ZD NET)• Six Good Reasons Not to Upgrade to Vista (Crunch Gear)• Vista's legal fine print raises red flags (Toronto Star)• When will Windows XP become unavailable? (Yahoo Tech)• Windows Launch Deals (Daily Tech)• How to bypass Windows Vista 30-days evaluation period (TechScope)• David Pogue on Windows Vista Video Review (You Tube)

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