The Hitcher Saved by Bush ...


The Hitcher Saved by Bush ...
The Hitcher Saved by Bush ...

hey! did anyone see **the hitcher** this weekend? i saw it a few weeks ago at a little press party & screening attended by a few cast members along with director dave meyers - you might have seen the semi-decent original '86 version with c. thomas howell & rutger hauer and now twenty years later we find out again that picking up strangers is usually not a good idea...

although i'm usually not a huge fan of 'remakes' (the worst was that 'psycho' bullshit from a few years back) i'll admit it was a fun scary ride - a big part of that was due to dave's directing skills - which have been put to plenty of good use in the past in a ton of cool music videos (check the list) dave carries over his stylish eye and gives the film a fresh slick look and of course his utilization of music is top notch! there's a great sequence set to NIN's 'closer' - i'm totally recommending it as a date movie plus it's not too long and doesn't drag itself out! it's not going to win any awards but for the genre the film is decent enough...

yet the best part of seeing the movie was becoming an instant sophia bush fan - i'll admit to never having watched one tree hill (now in its 4th season) all i knew about her was the short lived marriage to co-star chad michael murray (who is super hot yet he seems a bit odd) but gosh throughout 'the hitcher' i was all - damn she's smokin' hot! ms. bush has the most gorgeous eyes and she totally stepped up to the plate and kicked serious ass! now sophia is the talk of many rumors that she could be tapped to play wonder woman in an upcoming big screen adaptation and i think she'd be the perfect gal to grab the magic lasso and toss the cape on! (just like hillary clinton - the perfect gal to win the cape in '08 - i don't like to talk politics on here but i'm a clinton fan for sure!) popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

PS as quick bonus read - check out this crazy story about writer eric red who is credited for screenplay in both versions of 'the hitcher'...spooky!

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