That Sparrow Kid ...


That Sparrow Kid ...
That Sparrow Kid ...


>> I've been on a bit of a biographical kick lately, focusing mostly on culturally influential women (right now I'm about halfway through Tina Brown's The Diana Chronicles, and it's been fantastic so far). Anyway, going along with that theme, I was lucky enough to catch La Mome/La Vie en Rose, the Edith Piaf biopic starring Marion Cotillard, which only seems to be in limited release here in the States.

I was initially intrigued by the movie after hearing that Karl Lagerfeld had sponsored a screening of it - because let's face it, regardless of my simultaneous respect and disrespect for the man, he does stay abreast of the most inspirational new books, movies, music -- anything cultural, really. I'm not a big biopic fan, generally speaking, but this one I had a feeling would make me feel otherwise - especially when I heard that they kept all the songs in Edith's voice, and had Ms. Cotillard lip-synch along (Edith's unique voice is way too much of her charm - there was no other good choice, in my opinion).

The movie was a whirlwind of beauty - it picks you up and takes you right along with it until it drops you off again after the final scene. Ms. Cotillard does a superb job of acting - I was mesmerized just watching her. In one scene, she is drunk and wears a sailor's cap, reminding me of a female version of Pete Doherty. The clothes are also great - like the bow sweater she wears above - in fact, the whole movie is a visual delight.

But don't go see the movie until you can swallow a depressing film - Piaf's life was anything but happy. I went in a somewhat vulnerable state and surprised myself by getting so caught up in everything, I cried. And cried some more, for the last twenty minutes or so of the film. I think I just identified with the film on some subconscious note, I have no other explanation. Just go see it - it's definitely inspirational.

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